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The Years of Healing is the name given to the first two centuries after the Wars of Fire. It was a relatively harmonious period, and it marked the reconstruction from the previous Wars, hence the name.

Two important events happened during the Years of Healing: the foundation of Irollan and the separation of Sar-Elam's disciples.

Foundation of Irollan[]

Many of the Elven forests were burned away by the Demons during the Wars; the land was scarred, and the waters poisoned. Once the fighting was over, the elves retreated to their wounded territory and spent the Years of Healing restoring it, planting new groves, cleansing the waters, and expelling the slightest bit of demon taint from their lands. The Elven kingdom of Irollan was thus created.

Schism of the Seven[]

Main article: Schism of the Seven

In 62 YSD, twenty-two years after the Wars and the death of Sar-Elam, his disciples split into three orders, not managing to agree on how best to follow their master’s teachings and philosophy.

Sar-Antor gathered a congregation of healers, seers, and embalmers, and founded the Blind Brothers, dedicated to the worship of Asha. Sar-Badon founded the Dragon Knights, a martial order dedicated to the discipline of body and mind. The most gifted of all of the Seventh Dragon’s disciples, Sar-Shazzar, led a grand exodus of Wizards and like-minded humans of similar mind to the southern deserts. There, they founded the Seven Cities, which will later be known as the first kingdom of magic.

In 67 YSD, Sar-Shazzar revealed the Prophecy of the Demon Messiah, which predicts, among other things, that a half-demon hero, born to the Demon Sovereign and fautless human maiden, will use the Seventh Dragon's relics to shatter the Demon jailword of Sheogh and unleash bloody chaos on the world. Seven years latter, Sar-Shazzar mysteriously passed away in his sleep. When attendants prepared to move his body to the Necropolis for preparation and burial, it crumbled to ashes. It is interesting to note that during the Wars, Sar-Shazzar was tainted by the Demons, and he caused the flaws will latter allow the Demon Messiah to open Sheogh.

On his deathbed, in 104 YSD, Sar-Badon commands the Dragon Knights to build the Hidden Houses and retreat to them when they are ready. Since then, the Dragon Knights ceased to be prominent or visible in the world.
