Might and Magic Wiki

Yasir is a hero in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.


“A man should triumph or fail by his own choices and talents, not because another man stole his fate.” This is how Yasir worded his opinion on slavery, be it of Orcs, Beastmen or Spirits. Yasir studied alchemy at the Academy of Al-Imral and naturally joined the ranks of House Materia. Having proved his worth on numerous occasions, he was appointed Marzban of a small province in the mountains on the edge of the Sahaar Desert. But Yasir is already looking beyond his current position: the Shantiri ruins and temples located on his domain might hold the key to his political ascension to the Circle of Nine itself.OffBck


Yasir is a Wizard.


Hero Trait
Chest Delver of the Royal Purse
The hero provides 250 gold per day to this kingdom.OffBck


Yasir appears in Might & Magic: Heroes VI.

Might & Magic: Heroes VII characters Icon-H7
Original Campaign
Protagonists Original: Fahada - Imani - Ivan Griffin - Tomas Wolf - Vayaron - Wysloth - Zenda
Antagonists Asad al-Kzin - Ashbeth - Jengo - Krysztoff - Qasim - Seamus - Serguei Griffin - Yasir
Supporting campaign characters Anastasya Griffin - Bluebeak - Danan - Giovanni - Kente - Kibwe - Konrad - Lasir - Nolwenn - Murazel - Reem - Sylrael - Tanis - Tieru - Vein
Standard heroes Academy: Aali - Ajit - Asad al-Kzin - Fahada - Gloria - Johari - Masfar - Minasli - Mirym - Nur - Saabira - Solmyr - Yasir
Dungeon: Ashbeth - Darkstorm - Lethos - Salvin - Sephinroth - Sinitar - Sorshan - Sylsai - Yeshtar - Yrbeth - Yrris
Haven: Alesia - Amilcar - Christian - Edric - Ella - Krysztoff - Melisande - Orna - Serguei Griffin - Tyris - Archbishop Wilhelm - Ymoril
Necropolis: Charna - Kaspar - Lordess Ludmilla - Lucretia - Luna - Lyla - Merikh - Naadir - Zakera - Zoltan
Stronghold: Amari - Anga - Ann - Bilashi - Drakon - Gird - Ishi - Kengi - Kibwe - Reem - Shani - Yog
Sylvan: Agathin - Ciele - Dirael - Gem - Ivor - Jenova - Lasir - Ossir - Sailin - Sinithala - Sylrael - Tieru