Might and Magic Wiki
For the character Faruk Welnin, see Faruk.

Welnin in Independence

Welnin is the capital of the Contested Lands, and appears in the Seeds of Discontent campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.


During the Restoration Wars, the humans and elves of the Contested Lands fought side by side for the first time. When the war was over, many of them wanted to establish the Contested Lands as an independent nation, and thus free themselves from AvLee and Erathia.

The rebels gathered popular support, but knew they couldn't last without a strong base of operations. Faruk Welnin, the mayor of Welnin, offered the group his protection and support, and they decided to travel there and make it their home.

AvLee and Erathia sent their armies to crush the rebellion, but the inhabitants of Welnin managed to hold out against them, and they managed to drive their opponents back.

In the manual to Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor, it is suggested that Archibald Ironfist had a hand in the rebellion. In his diary, Archibald ponders about how he can cause trouble for Catherine and Roland, and notes that "Perhaps my seed of discontent will root in those fertile "disputed lands?" Time will tell, and the telling will be against my brother and his wife! So swear I here!"


Welnin appears in two scenarios in the Seeds of Discontent campaign. In The Road Home, the player must get Ryland and the grail to Welnin, and build a grail structure. In Independence, the player must build a capitol in Welnin.
