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Water Magic is a school of magic in Heroes of Might and Magic III. Any hero with a spellbook may learn level 1 and 2 spells. To learn higher level spells, a hero needs the Wisdom (H3) skill.


Level 1[]

Number of spells: 5
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III Bless Bless
(combat spell)
5 One friendly target unit inflicts maximum damage when it attacks. One friendly target unit inflicts maximum damage +1 when it attacks. All friendly units' inflict maximum damage +1 when they attack. This spell does not affect undead creatures. Adela is a specialist for this spell.
Heroes III Cure Cure
(combat spell)
5 Removes all negative spell effects from target, allied troop and heals it for ((Power x 5) + 10) health points. Removes all negative spell effects from target, allied troop and heals it for ((Power x 5) + 20) health points. Removes all negative spell effects from all allied troops and heals each for ((Power x 5) + 30) health points. Uland is a specialist for this spell.
Heroes III Dispel Dispel
(combat spell)
5 Removes all spell effects from target, allied creature troop. Removes all spell effects from target allied or enemy creature troop. Removes all spell effects from all creatures on the battlefield. Dispel is inflicted by serpent flies and dragon flies. An army with the hero equipped with the Sphere of Permanence artifact is immune to this spell.
Heroes III ProtectionFromWater Protection from Water
(combat spell)
5 Damage from Water Magic spells is reduced by 30% for target, allied troop. Damage from Water Magic spells is reduced by 50% for target, allied troop. Damage from Water Magic spells is reduced by 50% for all allied troops. Ice elementals can cast this spell. Icon-H3X1
Heroes III SummonBoat Summon boat
(adventure spell)
6 Summons one of your hero's boats to their current location. If none of those boats are available, then one of your other heroes' boats is summoned. Spell has a 50% chance of working. The spell fails if there are no unoccupied boats available. Same as Basic effect, except that if no boats are available, a new one is created. The spell has a 75% chance of working. There are a maximum of sixty-four boats allowed on the Adventure Map at one time. The spell fails if all are occupied. Same as Advanced effect, except that the spell has a 100% chance of working (unless all sixty-four boats are occupied).

Level 2[]

Number of spells: 4
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III IceBolt Ice bolt
(combat spell)
8 One enemy target unit receives ((Power x 20) + 10) damage. One enemy target unit receives ((Power x 20) + 20) damage. One enemy target unit receives ((Power x 20) + 50) damage. Alagar is a specialist for this spell.
Heroes III RemoveObstacle Remove obstacle
(combat spell)
7 Removes one, non-magic obstacle from the battlefield. Integrated obstacles, such as cliffs are not affected. Same as Basic effect, except Fire Walls may also be removed. Same as Advanced effect, except all, non-integrated obstacles can be removed.
Heroes III ScuttleBoat Scuttle boat
(adventure spell)
8 Spell has 50% chance of destroying a boat, unless occupied. Spell has a 75% chance of destroying a boat, unless occupied. Spell destroys a boat, unless occupied.
Heroes III Weakness Weakness
(combat spell)
8 One enemy target unit's attack rating is reduced by three. Same as Basic effect, except attack rating is reduced by six. All enemy units' attack ratings are reduced by six. Weakness is inflicted by dragon flies. Its effect can be replaced by bloodlust spell. Cuthbert, Mirlanda and Olema are specialists for this spell.
The hero equipped with the Armor of the Damned artifact casts this spell at all enemy units at the beginning of the combat (even if they haven't learned the spell). Icon-H3X2

Level 3[]

Number of spells: 4
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III Forgetfulness Forgetfulness
(combat spell)
12 Half of the creatures in target, enemy troop, with ranged attack forget to shoot. Target, enemy troop with ranged attack cannot use its ranged attack. All enemy troops with ranged attacks cannot use their ranged attacks. An army with the hero equipped with the Pendant of Total Recall artifact is immune to this spell.
Heroes III FrostRing Frost ring
(combat spell)
12 Troops in hexes surrounding target hex receive ((Power x 10) + 15) in damage. Target hex is unaffected. Same as Basic effect, except damage is ((Power x 10) + 30). Same as Basic effect, except damage is ((Power x 10) + 60). Adelaide is a specialist for this spell.
Heroes III Mirth Mirth
(combat spell)
12 One friendly target unit's morale is increased by one. One friendly target unit's morale is increased by two. All friendly units' morale is increased by two. Its effect can be replaced by sorrow spell.
Heroes III Teleport Teleport
(combat spell)
15 Target, friendly troop instantly moves to an unoccupied target hex. Troop cannot teleport over walls or moats. Same as Basic effect, except troop can teleport over walls. Troop can move to any unoccupied hex.

Level 4[]

Number of spells: 3
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III Clone Clone
(combat spell)
24 Creates a duplicate of target, friendly troop level 1-5. The duplicate can attack but is dispelled if it receives any damage. Same as Basic effect, except the duplicate may be of a level 1-6 troop. Same as Basic effect, except the duplicate may be of a level 1-7 troop.
Heroes III Prayer Prayer
(combat spell)
16 One friendly unit's attack, defense, and speed (hexes per turn) ratings are increased by two. One friendly unit's attack, defense, and speed ratings are increased by four. All friendly units' attack, defense, and speed ratings are increased by four. This spell does not affect undead creatures. Loynis is a specialist for this spell.
The hero equipped with the Angelic Alliance artifact casts this spell at all friendly units at the beginning of the combat (even if they haven't learned the spell), but only for good and neutral-aligned creatures. Icon-H3X2
Heroes III WaterWalk Water walk
(adventure spell)
12 The casting hero may follow a movement path across water, provided the end destination is an unoccupied location on land. Water movement may be up to 60% of the hero's normal movement. Same as Basic effect, except that water movement may be up to 80% of the hero's normal movement. Same as Basic effect, except that water movement may be made at the hero's full, normal movement. The hero equipped with the Boots of Levitation artifact has this ability.

Level 5[]

Number of spells: 1
Icon Name Mana cost Skill level Notes
Basic Advanced Expert
Heroes III WaterElemental Summon water elemental
(combat spell)
25 A troop containing (Power x 2) water elementals appears on the side of the casting player. Only one type of elemental can be summoned. Same as Basic effect, except that (Power x 3) water elementals are summoned. Same as Basic effect, except that (Power x 4) water elementals are summoned.


  • If the hero knows magic arrow or visions spell and has a proficiency in Water Magic skill, these spells are treated as Water-aligned rather than Air-aligned.