Might and Magic Wiki
Warcries H7

Warcries icon.

Warcries is a skill in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.

The Warcries skill is available to:


  • At Novice level, Warcries grants the hero the following effect:
    • The hero can unleash the warcries Advance! and Hold Positions!OffBck
  • At Expert level, Warcries grants the hero the following effect:
    • The hero can unleash the warcries Open Fire! and Engage!OffBck
  • At Master level, Warcries grants the hero the following effect:
    • The hero can unleash the warcry Attention!OffBck
Icon Name Level Description
Overwhelm H7 Overwhelm Novice The Advance! warcry additionally increases friendly creatures' flanking and full flanking damage bonus by 25 percentage points.OffBck
Awareness H7 Awareness Novice Hold position! warcry additionally increase the Defense of melee fighting units by 2 and their Attack by 8.OffBck
Opportunism H7 Opportunism Novice Whenever the hero unleashes a warcry the next friendly creature will get +25 Luck until the end of the combat round. If another friendly creature becomes active earlier (due to a change of Initiative), it is not affected by this ability.OffBck
Onslaught H7 Onslaught Expert The Open Fire! warcry additionally increases Attack of ranged creatures by 2 and friendly creatures flank and full flank with their range attacks.OffBck
Vicious Shot H7 Vicious shot Expert The Engage! warcry additionally increases Attack of melee creatures by 15 while attacking an enemy creature that will not retaliate.OffBck
Artillery Support H7 Artillery support Master The Attention! warcry additionally increases Attack and Defence by 1 and the attack warfare unit shoots at attacking creatures if the attacked friendly creature retaliates.OffBck
Warlord H7 Warlord Grandmaster Warcries now last for 2 combat rounds.OffBck