Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see wanizame.

The wanizame is a creature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. It is a Core creature of the Sanctuary faction, and is the upgraded version of the shark guard.

Wanizame are Shark Guards that have proven their valor and dependability not only to their Naga lords, but to their brother Sharks-in-arms as well. This title is offered by representatives of both in a formal ritual that takes place deep in the ocean, although only those involved have ever witnessed it.OffBck


Living Living
Can be healed and resurrected. Susceptible to morale.OffBck
Amphibian Amphibian
Immunity to Movement reductions from the Water Magic School. Sanctuary Heroes can travel on the seas if all their army is amphibian.OffBck
Resistance to Water Resistance to Water
Nagas (and their allied water spirits) are % resistant to damage (Water).OffBck
Vulnerability to Air Vulnerability to Air
All damage (Air) is increased on the nagas (and their allied water spirits) by %.OffBck
Heroes VI Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy
“You think he`s ugly, now? Wait `til the blood starts spilling.” Anyone who has ever fought and survived a battle with Wanizame remembers their Blood Frenzy. Their first attacks are ferocious, but once they`ve caught the whiff of blood, they become possessed with a hunger to finish off their prey.
The Wanizame deals +30% damage on stacks suffering by Ferocious Wound.OffBck
Heroes VI Ferocious Wound Icon Ferocious Wound
“Use your chopsticks! You`re a true Naga, not a Wanizame!” This common expression in the Lotus kingdom, given by parents to their children as they learn table manners, refers to the way Shark Guards attack their enemies in the most uncivilized of manners. Not only are the wounds inflicted difficult to staunch, but also they often cripple their targets, reducing their capacity to move.
The Wanizame's attack reduces target's Movement by 3 for 2 turns. Target will also be dealt 10% of the Wanizame's damage each turn.OffBck


The wanizame is the melee fighter of the Core Sanctuary troops, and it has the hit points to match. Wanizame are one of the slowest Sanctuary units, however, so they need enemies to come closer so that they can reach them quickly. The wanizame's Ferocious Wound and Blood Frenzy abilities in combination make it an ideal unit to cripple fast-moving enemies and harry them until they fall, making use of their Blood Frenzy to increase their damage output against the target. They are also suitable units to draw the fire of enemies early on, until the hero acquires the use of the kenshi or kensei. It can be made even more difficult to fight against with spells such as Ice Armor, or the Spirit Link or Bond of a spring spirit or mizu-kami to benefit from Pain Mirror or Lifeguard Membrane.

The wanizame are not very useful in a siege, their utility largely being limited to attacking creatures that come over the walls to cripple their movement and keep them from escaping. When under siege, they are also decent troops to plug up holes in the wall, should a Kensei be unavailable. Their ability to hobble targets they attack hurts an attacking force and allows attrition to better set in.

When attacking a wanizame, ranged or non-retaliation attacks, especially magical ones, will quickly whittle down their numbers. Like all members of the Sanctuary faction, they are resistant to Water attacks but vulnerable to Air attacks, so an Air spell, like Lightning Bolt, will defeat groups of wanizame especially quickly.


Wanizame means "ferocious shark" in Japanese.


Heroes VI Sanctuary Faction Icon Sanctuary
Basic creatures
Shark guard · Coral priestess · Kappa · Spring spirit · Snow maiden · Kenshi · Kirin
Upgraded creatures
Wanizame · Pearl priestess · Kappa shoya · Mizu-kami · Yuki-onna · Kensei · Sacred kirin