- This article is about the creature from Heroes of Might and Magic V. For other uses, see vindicator.
The vindicator is the alternate upgrade of the footman, the third-level creature of the Haven town, in Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East.
Vindicators are warriors who understand the advantages of holy zeal when fighting. Their dedication has given them the ability to Cleave, increasing their ability to attack those who would dare stand against them.OffBck *
Skilled swordsmen are always a prized asset on the battlefield. Protected by heavy armour and armed with double-bladed swords, Vindicators are always to be found leading the attack, cutting through the defences of the enemy and opening the way for their infantry to advance.OffBck *
The vindicator has a higher attack and lower defense than the squire, and it Cleaves instead of Shielding others and Bashing. This means that the vindicator does more damage, but it does little to prevent damage to itself and others. A more aggressive unit than the defensive squire.
- Large Shield - Creature receives only 50% of damage from all non-magical shooting attacks.
- Cleave - If this creature's attack kills at least one creature in the target stack, it performs an additional strike.
- Enraged - This creature's Attack increases during combat when any stack of friendly units dies (except resurrected creatures or creatures summoned on battlefield by magic). The increase is proportional to the killed stack relative power in the army.
Haven |
Basic creatures |
Peasant · Archer · Footman · Griffin · Priest · Cavalier · Angel |
Upgraded creatures |
Conscript · Marksman · Squire · Imperial griffin · Inquisitor · Paladin · Archangel |
Alternate upgrades |
Brute · Crossbowman · Vindicator · Battle griffin · Zealot · Champion · Seraph |