- This article is about an Inquisitor from Heroes VI. For other characters sharing her name, see Valeska.
Valeska is a character in Might and Magic: Heroes VI.
Once a Priestess of Elrath tasked with the education of Slava's children, Valeska found herself banished from the Duchy of Griffin for betraying Duke Slava after he rejected an Imperial decree - an act of profound treason in her unforgiving eyes.
Humililated and furious, Valeska turned to the Inquisition, an ideal refuge for one seeking a renenwed sense of purpose - and suitable opportunity to vent their anger.
Now, however, whereas Valeska's devoition to Elrath hasn't waned, her ire towards Slava has, and she wishes to elicit her pardon.OffBck
She is a priestess of Elrath and to the Griffin Duchy. When Slava was preparing for war, she betrayed the Griffin family - she joined with Gerhart, as he had "connections" with the Emperor.
Valeska is an Inquisitor.
Tutorial Campaign[]
The Emperor's Will: Slava needs to defeat her in order to proceed. He banishes her from the Griffin Duchy.
Haven Campaign[]
Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair: She asks for Anton for redemption and to join the Griffins again. Anton will give her pardon, and if he is an Vindicator, she will follow him.
Necropolis Campaign[]
Towards the Within: Anastasya encounters Valeska in her dream. She is taking care of Anton. Anastasya can help her (Tear reputation added) or not (Blood reputation added).
There is a Necromancer version of her in game files. That version does not appear in the game itself, however.