- This article is about the creature from Heroes of Might and Magic V. For other uses, see unicorn.
The Unicorns are spirits of nature, and as such they are sacred to the Elves. They are considered as a totem animal for the whole of Irollan, and it is said that when the last Unicorn will die so will the Elven kingdom and all its people. While the truth of this legend is not known, the Unicorns' shimmering auras do have the ability to shield their allies from hostile spells.OffBck
The unicorn is the fifth-level creature of the Sylvan town in Heroes of Might and Magic V.
The unicorn has enough speed to charge, and a decent melee attack. The Aura makes it useful for protecting the weaker members of the army, as you can place it next to your ranged attackers and protect them from enemy spells.
Of special note is that the unicorn and its upgraded forms cannot be raised via Necromancy, though they can still be Resurrected.
- Large Creature - This creature is bigger than others and occupies four squares on the field.
- Aura of Magic Resistance - For this creature and all friendly units located on tiles adjacent to it, magic resistance is increased by 30%.
Heroes V Sylvan creatures |
Basic creatures |
Pixie · Blade dancer · Hunter · Druid · Unicorn · Treant · Green dragon |
Upgraded creatures |
Sprite · War dancer · Master hunter · Druid elder · Silver unicorn · Ancient treant · Emerald dragon |
Alternate upgrades |
Dryad · Wind dancer · Arcane archer · High druid · Pristine unicorn · Savage treant · Crystal dragon |