Events canonically known to have occurred in the timeline of the Ashan universe are listed and referenced below. The timeline utilizes Years of Seventh Dragon calendar.
The Cosmic Egg appears in the Void - from it, two Dragons, the Primordial Twins are hatched - Asha, the Dragon of Order and Urgash, the Dragon of Chaos.
Asha identifies six types of Magic flowing amidst the Void - Darkness, Light, Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. She decides to use them to shape the world.
Elemental Dragons
Asha gives birth to six Elemental Dragons, manifestations of the colors of Magic - Malassa of Darkness, Elrath of Light, Sylanna of Earth, Arkath of Fire, Shalassa of Water and Ylath of Air.
Sar-Elam reaches the conscience of Asha. Asha enlightens him and he becomes the Seventh Dragon. He forces the Angels and the Faceless to sign the Twilight Covenant to end the war and prevent the event from recurring.
Demons invade Ashan and kill most of the Angels. The survivors travel to the Falcon Empire and begin its conversion to Elrath. Sar-Elam sacrifices himself to seal the Demons in Sheogh.
Brian Falcon becomes Emperor and gives absolute power to the Church of Elrath. The kingdom is renamed the "Holy Falcon Empire". Duke Ishtvan Griffin is assassinated in his sleep
To combat the unexpected demon incursion, the mages create the orcs from humans infused with demon blood. With the orcs, the demons are driven back into their prison.
Arniel, the High King of Irollan, usurps the authority of the local elf kings to centralize power. The minor elven queen Tuidhana refuses to bow to him and keeps possession of her lands.
A great fire destroys the elven capital Brythigga and kills high king Arniel.[6] The Dark Elves are blamed and expelled from Irollan. Their leader Tuidhana is killed.[7]
The Magical Plague returns, this time triggering all the Necromancers turned Undead after the discovery of the Mother Namtaru. Vein, a survivor of the original plague, is sent to investigate its source.
Demons, led by Jezebeth, invade the Holy Falcon Empire. Empress Maeve is slain and the royal family is massacred, the only survivor being Brendan Falcon.
The mage Azh Rafir allows demons to roam upon Ashan. Ultimately, his daughter Nadia uses the power of the Blade of Binding, an artifact with the power to control demons, to prevent the Blood Moon from occurring.
Archmage Cyrus, united in purpose with Emperor Oleg of the Griffin Empire, lays a siege on Lorekeep and destroys Sandro.
Fifth Eclipse[]
951 YSD
War of the Gray Alliance
The elves, led by High King Alaron, the knights, led by King Alexei, and the mages, led by Archmage Cyrus, attack the Demon Sovereign in Sheogh. Alaron and Cyrus refuse to help Alexei fight the Sovereign, so Alexei goes in alone and is killed.
Fighting occurs between the factions of Ashan and the Demons, who fight over Queen Isabel of the Holy Empire. Isabel is captured by the Demons and forced to mother the Demon Messiah, Sareth.
Biara, posing as the false Queen Isabel, and her Red Church conflict against the forces of Freyda Unicorn, the real Isabel, and their allies. Upon defeat of the demons, Isabel abdicates in favour of Freyda, forming the Holy Unicorn Empire.