Might and Magic Wiki

For other characters named Thomas, see Thomas.

Thomas Acorn is a beastmaster that appears in the Flies in the Ointment scenario of the Death March campaign in Winds of War.


Thomas Acorn is the Druid Warden of the Alderoth Valley.OffBck

Thomas Acorn was the leader of an army of elves in the Alderoth Valley. When Baron Von Tarkin arrived in the area on his way to attack Channon, a wealthy recluse offered to sell the necromancer a Flaming Sword for 12,000 gold, if the Baron also dealt with the elven nuisance.

Von Tarkin found and slew Thomas and his armies. He then went back to the recluse and purchased the sword.


Thomas Acorn is a beastmaster, base class druid, and is located in the northwestern corner of the map, though he cannot be reached until the player has visited the quest hut east of his location. He starts in level 27, and knows master melee, archery, Nature Magic, and herbalism, expert offense and meditation, and advanced tactics, defense, and combat.

He is equipped with a Longsword, Shackles of War, a Chain Mail, and a Longbow, and has an army consisting of elves, white tigers, wolves, and gargantuans.


Thomas Acorn has the same icon as Kaliki.


Thomas Acorn appears only in Winds of War.
