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"We genies are compelled to keep our word. It is not only our sense of honor that binds us to our master, but also part of the magic that created us in the first place. Long ago before humans walked the land, we were the servants of the gods. We lived to serve. But we have always envied a human's freedom of will."
Solmyr ibn Wali Barad

The Servant is the third scenario in the Price of Peace campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.


"Solymr is desperate to make up for his failure to conquer Great Arcan, so without question he immediately embarks on another quest for his master. Even though Solymr worries about his master's newest allies, the mysterious and violent Red Dwarves, he must focus on his mission to return with the bones of the Black Dragons so that Gavin Magnus can create a new, powerful weapon."

After his failure to conquer Great Arcan, Solmyr returns to his master, the Immortal King Gavin Magnus. Gavin Magnus sends him on a new quest, to find the Black Dragon Graveyard and return with their bones, so that his new allies, the red dwarves, can construct dragon golems.

Solymr starts out with a single Academy, with a second, neutral one to the east. The quest hut will give him a Golden Plate Mail if he gives them the nearby War Sling. Building up both towns and fighting neutral creatures will give him the army and levels he need to head west, to take out the blue Necropolis and green Asylum.

The Asylum at the center of the map starts out neutral, as does the Necropolis to the east, but both may have been captured. The orange Necropolis to the north and red Asylum to the northeast are the hardest towns on the map to conquer. The quest tower next to the red Asylum will only open once Solymr has defeated the red player, opening up the path to a one-way portal.

To reach the teal player's black dragons, Solymr will need the Dragon Scale Armor, which can be found by visiting all six Oracles, at these locations:

  1. West of the eastern Academy.
  2. North of the green Asylum.
  3. North of the orange Necropolis.
  4. East of the same Necropolis.
  5. East of the red Asylum, beyond the quest tower.
  6. To the north-west, reachable through the one-way portal.

The armor is located near the sixth Oracle.

Once the armor is in Solymr's possession, he can take his army underground. The two-way portals lead to gold and potions, but little else. Heading south will lead to another two-way portal, which will eventually lead to the Black Dragon Graveyard. Solymr will only be able to pass through the gate if he has the Dragon Scale Armor.

The last enemy is a very large, very dangerous stack of black dragons. With the dragons defeated, Solmyr obtains the bones and gives it to his master.


It is wise to conquer the cities, although there is a fair chance the players will attack each other. With that in mind, Solmyr might be able to regain his force before the enemy attacks him.

Since black dragons are invulnerable to magic, Solmyr should take Life Magic to boost his troops.

Heroes IV scenarios Icon-H4
The True Blade The Drawing of the Blade - The Trials - The First Step of Many - Seeking the Steel - The Rightful Heir
Glory of Days Past A New Way - A Necessary War - A King's Choice - One Tribe
The Price of Peace At the Crossroads - An Enemy's Trust - The Servant - The Rainbow Crystal - An Unusual Betrayal - Slave to Fear - To Slay an Immortal - The Price of Peace
Elwin and Shaera The Lovers - Mark of the Tiger - True Love - Reflections - Together
Half-Dead Eater of Children - The Fiery Realm - The Points of Power - Life and Death - The Unholy Breath
A Pirate's Daughter The Pirate's Daughter - Bloody Cove - The Strait of the Lost - Bay of Maids - Never Look Back
Others Tutorial - Every Dog Has His Day - Unity