"Strangest of all the Elemental Planes was the Plane of Fire. Brilliant flames covered every inch of the landscape like orange, windblown grass. But the fire didn't burn. This is where the Immortal Hero discovered a secret that would later give him an advantage over the Elemental Lords."
The Secret in the Flames is the fifth scenario in Masters of the Elements.
Tarnum must defeat the Inferno town and gain control of the Fire Elementals by flagging all Fire Elemental generators. Heroes will be limited to level 30, but Tarnum and his three best Heroes will transfer to the next map, carrying over all of their skills, spells and experience.OffBck
When they arrive at the Plane of Fire, Tarnum and his assistants learn that there is a group of demons that serve the Lord of Fire. They must be defeated to control the Plane.
The mages are wondering how to defeat the Elemental Lords - Tarnum can match every one them in power, but there are four of them and only one of him. Reamus and Barsolar have studied the Elemental Planes, and believe that there is a fifth plane - the Plane of Magic, with magic elementals that would make powerful allies.
After a few experiments, they make contact with a psychic elemental from the Plane of Magic. He tells them that to secure his help, they must talk to the First, a group of old magic elementals who rule the Plane of Magic. But the servants of the Elemental Lords also seek to make an alliance with them.
Tarnum and his three best heroes from the previous scenario start out with a Tower to the northwest. There are two red Infernos nearby, led by the heroes Xyron and Octavia. They start out with limited forces, and can be dealt with early.
The goal of the scenario is to capture all Altars of Fire, which are protected by fire elementals. Some of them are located underground, and there is a monolith leading there in the southeastern corner. Once the red player has been taken care of, Tarnum can take his time with the altars.
Learning all fire magic spells from the mage guilds will make Tarnum better prepared for later scenarios.
The scenario is full of Pandora's Boxes that hold resources and artifacts, but usually protected by fire elementals. The Orb of Tempestuous Fire and the Tome of Fire Magic can be found in two of these boxes, and both artifacts carry over to later scenarios.