"Our cause is public. Ironically, many humans have joined the elfin population in our vision of an independent state. Already, factions loyal to Erathia and AvLee organize to stop us. We cannot continue without a strong base of operations. Faruk Welnin, mayor of the town of Welnin, has sent a messenger. He offers his protection and suport. Our war for independence begins now. We must fight our way to Welnin and establish the Grail. When we have accomplished this, Welnin will become our foundation."
The Road Home is the second scenario of the campaign Seeds of Discontent in Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.
To win, the Ranger, Ryland, must reach the town of Welnin with the Grail, and build it a permanent home.OffBck
Once the Grail has been recovered, a place must be found to use it to construct the corresponding building. The mayor, Faruk Welnin, has offered support, and, as such, the relic must be delivered to the town. However, factions supporting AvLee and Erathia, have joined together to stop this move of independence.
Ryland will have to cross the lands to get to the Welnin. Despite the long journey and enemies standing in his way, there are some troops in the land, who will join Ryland. There are also two keymaster tents: the light blue one is between the two Castles, while the green one is to south-east of the Castle to the north. The lands beyond the keymaster guards have a lot of neutral monks and zealots or war unicorns and unicorns. Near certain keymaster guards Ryland can obtain some unicorns and monks to his aid.
Once Ryland has come to Welnin, he needs to build the Spirit Guardian and pass to the final move of independence.
Welnin has one random hero and the town itself does not offer much to be built. The enemy will likely claim it during the first month. However, Ryland needs to get through the lands. While the journey is a long one, he may still be able do defeat the opponents, though this is optional. Once coming to Welnin, Ryland has to construct the Spirit Guardian and win.