Might and Magic Wiki
Might and Magic Wiki

For the faction in other games, see Stronghold.

Stronghold is a faction of nomadic orcs and beastmen based in the Sahaar desert.


Tribes of nomadic barbarians, Orcs are the scattered but proud survivors of a long history of persecution. They boast ranks of fierce warriors supported by powerful Shamans. Orcs prefer open skies and the freedom to move on when the urge takes them: many chose to lead a nomadic life in the dunes of the Sahaar desert.




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Village hall Stronghold H7 Town hall Stronghold H7 City hall Stronghold H7Capitol Stronghold H7Hall of Heroes Stronghold H7
Village hall Town hall City hallCapitolHall of Heroes
Gives the ability to build new objects in the city. Gives 500 Gold per day. Gives additional 500 Gold per day. Gives additional 1000 Gold per day.Gives additional 1500 Gold per day. You can have only one Capitol.Allows players to recruit Heroes.




2000 Gold
Village hall
Town level 3


5000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Town hall
Town level 9


10000 Gold
10 Wood
10 Ore
City hall
Town level 15


500 Gold
5 Ore

Marketplace Stronghold H7Dream lodge Stronghold H7
MarketplaceDream lodge
Provides the town screen window to trade resources.Allows you to buy Dreamwalkers.


500 Gold


1000 Gold
5 Wood
Orc barracks
Town level 9


Fortification level 1 Stronghold H7 Fortification level 2 Stronghold H7 Fortification level 3 Stronghold H7Moat Stronghold H7Sky and Earth totems
Fortification level 1 Fortification level 2 Fortification level 3MoatSky and Earth totems
Surrounds the city with walls and gates used during siege and adds a local guard consisting of Gnolls and Brutes. Increases the number of hit points of walls and gates during siege. Adds Sand Wyverns and Centaurs to local guard. Increases the number and growth of creatures in local guard. Increases the number of hit points of walls and gates during siege. Increases the number and growth of creatures in local guard.Gives a moat to the city during siege.
During siege, the city has 2 towers.


800 Gold
10 Wood
5 Ore


800 Gold
5 Wood
Fortification level 1
Town level 3


800 Gold
5 Wood
Fortification level 2
Town level 15


500 Gold
2 Wood
Fortification level 2
Town level 6


300 Gold
2 Starsilver
2 Shadowsteel
Fortification level 2
Dream lodge
Town level 9


Father Sky's furor Stronghold H7 Father Sky totem Stronghold H7 House of Smalltalks Stronghold H7Mother Earth's wisdom Stronghold H7Altar of Broken Blades Stronghold H7
Father Sky's furor Father Sky totem House of SmalltalksMother Earth's wisdomAltar of Broken Blades
Provides 5000 Gold per day and increases creature growth in this city by 50% and Blood Frenzy +4 for your Stronghold heroes. Blood Frenzy +2 for your Stronghold heroes in city's area of influence. Additional 15% success chance during negotiations with neutral armies in city's area of influence
Additional 10 experience points for won battles for your heroes that are in this city's area of influence.
Visiting hero's creatures receive +1 to Movement and +5 to Attack. Lasts 3 fights.


4000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
Tear of Asha
Town level 15


500 Gold
5 Starsilver


1000 Gold
5 Wood
Town level 3


500 Gold
5 Wood
Father Sky totem
Town level 3


500 Gold
5 Shadowsteel
Father Sky totem
Town level 3

Hall of Raiders Stronghold H7Blood magic crucible Stronghold H7Idol of Fertility Stronghold H7Deep mine Stronghold H7Thieves guild Stronghold H7
Hall of RaidersBlood magic crucibleIdol of FertilityDeep mineThieves guild
Gives 250 Gold for each won battle.Minus 3 to Magic of all enemy heroes that are in this city's area of influence.
Allows you to select one nest a week which will immediately deliver its weekly growth.Provides 1 Shadowsteel per day.Allows you to buy information about your enemies.


2500 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Mother Earth's wisdom or Altar of Broken Blades
Town level 9


500 Gold
Fortification level 2
Town level 6


5000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
2 Dragonblood crystal
2 Starsilver
2 Dragonsteel
2 Shadowsteel
Sky and earth totem
Town level 12


2000 Gold
5 Wood
Wyvern rock
Town level 9


500 Gold
5 Wood
Town level 3

Magic guild[]

Magic guild level 1 Stronghold H7 Magic guild level 2 Stronghold H7 Magic guild level 3 Stronghold H7Magic guild level 4 Stronghold H7Town portal Stronghold H7
Magic guild level 1 Magic guild level 2 Magic guild level 3Magic guild level 4Town portal
Gives 5 random level 1 spells to this city. Gives 4 random level 2 spells to this city. Gives 3 random level 3 spells to this city.Gives 1 random level 4 spell to this city.Allows the heroes who have the Town Portal spell to return to this city if it is the closest available city.


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
Town level 3


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
1 Starsilver
1 Dragonsteel
1 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 1
Town level 6


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
3 Dragonblood crystal
3 Starsilver
3 Dragonsteel
3 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 2
Town level 12


1000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
5 Starsilver
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
Mage guild level 3
Town level 15


500 Gold
2 Wood
2 Ore
2 Dragonblood crystal
5 Dragonsteel
Mage guild level 1
Town level 6



[[File:]] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Harpy nest Gnoll slums War tentCentaur campWyvern rock
Allows players to recruit Harpies. Allows players to recruit Gnolls. Allows players to recruit Brutes.Allows players to recruit Centaurs.Allows players to recruit Sand wyverns.


500 Gold


600 Gold
5 Wood


800 Gold
Town level 3


4000 Gold
5 Wood
Town level 6


3500 Gold
10 Ore
5 Starsilver
Town level 9

Basilisk cavernCyclops moundBehemoth abyss
Allows players to recruit Basilisk riders.Allows players to recruit Cyclops.*Allows players to recruit Behemoths.*


7000 Gold
5 Wood
10 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
Town level 12


12000 Gold
5 Wood
15 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
Dream lodge
Wyvern hatchery or Stone pillars
Town level 15


12000 Gold
15 Wood
5 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
Dream lodge
Wyvern hatchery or stone pillars
Town level 15


[[File:]] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Fury roost Gnoll hunting shack War pavilionCentaur outpostWyvern nest
Allows players to recruit Furies. Allows players to recruit Gnoll hunters. Allows players to recruit Crushers.Allows players to recruit Centaur marauders.Allows players to recruit Venomous wyverns.


700 Gold
2 Dragonblood crystal
Harpy nest


800 Gold
Gnoll slums


1100 Gold
5 Dragonsteel
War tent


6000 Gold
5 Wood
5 Dragonsteel
Centaur camp


5000 Gold
10 Shadowsteel
Wyvern rock

Basilisk's no man's landPillar of RageBehemoth rift
Allows players to recruit Basilisk lancers.Allows players to recruit Enraged cyclopes.Allows players to recruit Ancient behemoths.


9000 Gold
5 Dragonsteel
5 Shadowsteel
5 Starsilver
Basilisk cavern


15000 Gold
10 Ore
10 Shadowsteel
Cyclops mound


15000 Gold
10 Wood
10 Dragonsteel
Behemoth abyss

Growth upgrade[]

[[File:]] [[File:]] [[File:]]
Harpy colony Gnoll firecamp Orc barracksCentaur lodgeWyvern hatchery
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+10 Harpies or Furies per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+12 Gnolls or Gnoll Hunters per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+6 Brutes or Crushers per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+8 Centaur or Centaur Marauders per week.
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+7 Sand Wyverns or Venomous Wyverns per week.


500 Gold
5 Wood
Harpy nest
Town level 3


600 Gold
5 Wood
Gnoll slums
Town level 3


800 Gold
5 Wood
5 Ore
War tent
Town level 6


4000 Gold
5 Wood
Centaur camp
Town level 6


3500 Gold
10 Wood
5 Ore
Wyvern rock
Town level 12

Stone pillars
Upgrade of the basic dwelling.
+2 Basilisk Riders or Basilisk Lancers per week.


7000 Gold
5 Wood
10 Ore
5 Dragonblood crystal
Basilisk cavern
Town level 12

