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Stop the War is a quest in Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.


Euny gives Anwen and Findan some leaf gliders to come down the tree. While they go down, Azexes brags to his master about the victory. The master is interested in the Blade of Binding, but when told it is not present, the master immediately sends him back to Ashan to retrieve it, to have his plans completed.

When they continue, the same druid who gave other druids gives them the emerald dragons from Euny. They need to continue to the east, where more men gather. They witness that the elves and humans are going to clash, so Anwen needs to defeat Varkas, the human leader.

Varkas stops the fight and accuses the elves of attacking the humans, while Nelir accuses the men attacking the humans. Anwen stops the confusion and the rage, as she witnessed demons are involved in this. Varkas aplologises himself and goes to stop his fellow men from attacking the Mother Seed.
