Might and Magic Wiki
Might and Magic Wiki

The stone golem is the third-tier creature of the Tower faction in Heroes of Might and Magic III. It can be recruited from the golem factory. The stone golem can be upgraded to the iron golem.

Stone and iron golems are built and animated through a process involving both precise craftsmanship and complex magic. Though slow, they are strong and durable combatants. Stone golems take half damage from spell attacks, while iron golems take only a quarter of such damage.OffBck

With high defense and hit points, and the 50% protection from spell damage, the golem is a sturdy creature, but the lack of speed means it's ill-suited for charges. Keeping it back to protect the ranged creatures is usually the best use for it.


Basic creatures
Gremlin · Stone gargoyle · Stone golem · Mage · Genie · Naga · Giant
Upgraded creatures
Master gremlin · Obsidian gargoyle · Iron golem · Arch mage · Master genie · Naga queen · Titan