- This article is about the creature from Heroes of Might and Magic V. For other uses, see sprite.
Sprites are close relatives of the Pixies who live in the higher branches of the Kersyl trees. Their small size and speed allow them to attack more than one creature and to retreat before retaliation is possible. Also, the Sprites' affinity with the woods is such that they can call upon Nature's powers to cast spells in combat.OffBck
The sprite is the upgrade to the pixie, the first-level creature of the Sylvan town in Heroes of Might and Magic V. With a decent increase in stats and the ability to cast spells, this upgrade is worth the gold and should be purchased. Their very high initiative lets them take many more actions than slower creatures, which can be used for hit-and-run tactics if the enemy is slow enough. They are still fragile and should be kept safe as much as possible, as they are not that cheap for a first-level creature.
- Flyer - This creature can move on to any free tile on the battlefield during its turn, regardless of the obstacles in the way.
- Caster - This creature can use a set of magical spells similar to those cast by heroes. Mana reserve is limited but always set to maximum at the beginning of combat. Spellpower depends on the number of creatures (activated ability).
- Spellbook: Wasp Swarm, Cleansing
- No Enemy Retaliation - Enemies never retaliate after melee attacks by creatures with this ability.
- Spray Attack - Creature simultaneously attacks three adjacent tiles occupied by the enemy.
Heroes V Sylvan creatures |
Basic creatures |
Pixie · Blade dancer · Hunter · Druid · Unicorn · Treant · Green dragon |
Upgraded creatures |
Sprite · War dancer · Master hunter · Druid elder · Silver unicorn · Ancient treant · Emerald dragon |
Alternate upgrades |
Dryad · Wind dancer · Arcane archer · High druid · Pristine unicorn · Savage treant · Crystal dragon |