Might and Magic Wiki

Usually when it feels its death coming a Dragon rises up to the moon, returning to the place where Asha rests, there to shed its mortal skin and be reborn anew. However, there is a remote chance that a traumatic event sunders the Dragon at the moment of death, cutting off its spiritual conscience from its material form. In this case, the body and spirit remain prisoners on Ashan; the former becoming a Bone Dragon and the latter a Spectral Dragon. Different types of Spectral Dragons can arise depending on the manner and place of death, The Spectral Dragon is driven by a vital need to consume the souls of others in order to maintain the form and shape of its own memories. Most turn mad and uncontrollable, unless subdued by a Death Lord. Under the guidance of their Archon Belketh, the Necromancers have indeed learned powerful rituals that allow them to find, capture, and bind the powerful Undead Dragons to their cause.OffBck

The spectral dragon a creature in the Might & Magic: Heroes VI.


Curse of the Spectral Dragon Curse of the Spectral Dragon
Target enemy creature is dealt 100 Darkness damage per Spectral Dragon. For 1 turn(s), it heals enemy creature stacks instead of dealing damage to them when attacking. Cooldown: 4 turn(s).OffBck
Life in Death Life in Death
You heal the Spectral Dragon instead of dealing damage to it. Lasts 1 turns.OffBck
Heroes VI Spirit Form Icon Spirit Form
Spirits benefit from +50% resistance to all damage at the start of each combat. Lasts until an action was taken by the creature.OffBck
Heroes VI Terrifying Presence Icon Terrifying Presence
Enemy creatures adjacent to the Spectral Dragon have a 20% chance of remaining Catatonic and an 80% chance of suffering a 15 decrease in Morale.OffBck
Undead H6 Undead
Its Morale is always neutral and it has +20% resistance to Water damage. It is also immune to Poison, Disease, Blind and Mind Influence effects.OffBck
Vulnerability to Light Vulnerability to Light
Light spells which are damaging gets empowered against undead by 20%. Light spells which heal the living damage undead.OffBck
Emotionless Emotionless
Having no emotions, undead are immune to Morale effects.OffBck


Heroes VI Necropolis Faction Icon Necropolis
Basic creatures
Skeleton · Ghoul · Ghost · Lich · Lamasu · Vampire · Fate spinner
Upgraded creatures
Skeletal spearman · Ravenous ghoul · Specter · Archlich · Putrid lamasu · Vampire lord · Fate weaver
Spectral dragon