Might and Magic Wiki

The spectral dragon is the upgrade of the bone dragon, the seventh-tier creature of the Necropolis in Heroes of Might and Magic V.

No single type of dragon gives up its bones to form a Spectral Dragon. Instead, these fell beasts are composed of the bones of every breed of dragon, cunningly arranged into a single skeleton and infused with unlife by the sacrifice of a high-ranking Necromancer's soul.OffBck

Spectral dragons have significantly higher damage than bone dragons, though only slightly more health, and they are still badly outmatched by all other seventh-tier creatures on a per-unit basis. Spectral dragons compensate for this by being relatively cheap, having a higher weekly growth via a Dragon Vault, being undead (which makes them immune to many debilitating effects such as Mind-related magic), and through their Death Stare and Cursing Attack.


  • Undead - This creature is not alive (like all other Necropolis creatures) and its morale is always neutral. It cannot be affected by Poison- , Blind- or Mind-related magic.OffBck
  • Large creature - This creature is bigger than others and occupies four squares on the field.OffBck
  • Flyer - This creature can move on to any free tile on the game field during its turn, regardless of the obstacles in the way.OffBck
  • Death Stare - This creature decreases all enemy stacks' Morale by -1.OffBck
  • Cursing Attack - During attack a curse is put on the target, reducing the damage it can inflict. With each following attack the curse is renewed.OffBck


Basic creatures
Skeleton · Zombie · Ghost · Vampire · Lich · Wight · Bone dragon
Upgraded creatures
Skeleton archer · Plague zombie · Spectre · Vampire lord · Archlich · Wraith · Spectral dragon
Alternate upgrades
Skeleton warrior · Rot zombie · Poltergeist · Vampire prince · Lich master · Banshee · Ghost dragon