Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses of the name, see sorcerer.
Icon-MM6 Sorcerer Icon-MM6
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Hit Points: 137
Armor Class: 14
Damage: 9D4
Attack Speed: 100
Preferred enemy: Knight
Primary attack: Electrical
Primary attack ranged: Electrical
Spells: Lightning bolt
Spell use %: 20
Level: 25
Experience: 875
Treasure: 10D10 gold
10% chance for a second-level staff
Magic: 10
Fire: 10
Physical: 0
Electric: Immune
Cold: 10
Poison: 10

The sorcerer is a monster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. Its stronger versions are the magician and warlock.

Sorcerers will use the spell lightning bolt 20% of the time, and ranged electrical attacks the rest of the time. They are immune to electrical damage, and can be encountered in Gharik's Forge, Silver Helm Stronghold, Superior Temple of Baa, and Castle Alamos.
