Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see Sorcerer.

The Sorcerer is one of the ten classes in Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen, Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen, and Might and Magic: Swords of Xeen. It cannot wear armor or use most weapons, but can cast powerful spells. They start with the cartographer skill, and can cast Sorcerer spells at full power.

The Sorcerer is a poor fighter. Sorcerers are only able to wear robes and use staves and daggers. Sorcerer spells are the most destructive in the game, and they have twice as many spell points as the Archer. The Sorcerer starts with the Cartography skill.OffBck

To become a sorcerer, a character must have an intellect score of at least 13. They gain 4 hit points per level, and they gain an extra attack per round every eighth level. High intellect gives them more spell points per level.

The pre-made Sorcerer characters are Seymour in Clouds of Xeen and Darkside of Xeen and Bithel in Swords of Xeen.
