Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see Sorcerer.

Image from the manual

"To an Elf, Cosmonium opened the secrets of how the elements move through the Void, giving total control over fire, cold, energy, and electricity. In padded armor and armed with a staff, the first great hero set about mastering his control over the elements and created many powerful incantations for the coming battle. He was called a Sorcerer. I remember the thrill of discovering the power and beauty of lightning, my personal favorite. In my youth, camping on a rainy night with a band of adventurers like this dark evening, I would sometimes fire a bolt at a nearby tree just to startle my companions. An act I'm sure our fallen comrade would strongly disapprove of."

The Sorcerer is one of the ten classes in Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra. The sorcerer is terrible in combat, but makes up for it with a vast array of dangerous spells. They start with the cartography skill, and can cast arcane spells at full power.

To become a sorcerer, a character must have an intellect score of at least 13. The base hit point growth of a sorcerer is 4 hit points per level, and they gain an extra attack per round every eighth level.

Kastore is the pre-made sorcerer character in the game.
