Might and Magic Wiki
Seahaven 1

MMX: Seahaven overview

Located on the Western Borders of the Unicorn Duchy near the Yon-Chall Forest, Seahaven is probably the most cosmopolitan town of the Agyn Peninsula, where Humans, Dwarves, Nagas and Elves cohabit in peace. An impressive fortress towers above Seahaven: it is the Windsword commandery, when one can join or recruit one of the most prestigious mercenary orders of Ashan.

Heroes VI Scenarios[]

Inferno campaign[]

  • The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: This is one of 3 Neutral towns that can be captured by Kiril. If the player has chosen the Tears path, an optional objective is available requiring you to NOT convert any of the towns or forts on the map, including Seahaven.

Might and Magic X: Legacy[]

Seahaven also appeared in Might & Magic X: Legacy.

