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Screaming Hag Inn is a quest in Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.


Aidan and Jezebeth need to go to the Sleeping Stag Inn. Jezebeth notices that the dagger Aidan wields seems to be turning red, but Aidan warns her not to think on it. As they arrive, the demons Roach and Flint guard the inn. They do not want to leave, so Aidan has to slay them. When they enter the inn, the demons, for a moment, see them, but return to their tasks.

As they reach to the bar, Aidan demands to see Lorhish. Chains insults Aidan for ordering a demon what to do, but he goes to throw in a pit of lava, per Aidan's command. Lorhish responds, as he is the innkeeper. He sees Jezebeth and looks how she grew up. He turns to Aidan and goes to attack him, as Jezebeth told him he is more than just a human. Aidan will have to protect himself from the bites of the hellhounds, while Lorhish throws his bombs on troops.

When Lorhish is defeated, his favourite hellhound, Shredder, falls down and he begins to be soft. Aidan demands what is Azexes up to, so he responds that he allied himself with a powerful ally and now uses teleports at Mount Nebyrzias. Aidan orders Jezebeth to show him the way and she agrees... almost as if she wanted to do it.
