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MMX Scout class icon

The Scout is a dwarf character class Might & Magic X: Legacy.

General Info[]

The Dwarves of Clan Winterwind are the most outgoing of all of their kind. They are the ones most likely to be found on the surface or dealing with outsiders. They are expert travelers and have deep knowledge of the wilds.

The Scout and the Defender share the same taste in melee weapons, but apart from that the differences are substantial: What the Scout lacks in physical defense he makes up with higher vitality and arcane resistance. His magic abilities in the magic schools of fire and light make him a versatile caster of damage and healing alike. However, the strongest trait of the Scouts is their passion for crossbows - which only they can wield with grand master expertise.


The Advanced Class of the Scout.

Scouts who have survived a dozen or so adventures on the surface of Ashan and whose tales have reached the ears of all the Dwarf Clans, are given the title of Pathfinders. It is said that Arkath guides their steps and that they are never truly lost, for each step is leading them to a chance for a fight, fortune and glory.

Snaring Shot The pathfinder's active ability.

The Pathfinder performs a ranged attack with his crossbow, immobilizing the first target for one turn.


Skills scout

MMX Scout skill table

