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Savage Treants were born when Brythigga, Mother of the Trees, was burned to ashes. Since then, the Savage Treants are regarded as the incarnation of Irollan's anger and fury. These powerful ancient beings will sweep aside their foe with the force and speed of a landslide.OffBck

The savage treant is the alternate upgrade to the treant, the sixth-level creature of the Sylvan town, in Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East.

Compared to the ancient treant, the savage treant has higher attack and damage, and lower defense and hit points. Its abilities are also more suited for more aggressive use. Once Rage of the Forest is activated, the savage treant can do a lot of damage and act far more frequently, but it becomes far more vulnerable and cannot root targets.


  • Large Creature - This creature is bigger than others and occupies four squares on the field.
  • Enraged - This creature's Attack increases during combat when any stack of friendly units dies (except resurrected creatures or creatures summoned on battlefield by magic). The increase is proportional to the killed stack relative power in the army.
  • Entangling Roots - Creature's attack entangles enemy with its roots and immobilises it. Creature can immobilise several enemies simultaneously, but the effect only lasts while the creature remains in direct contact with its victims.
  • Rage of the forest - This creature can increase its Attack at the expense of its Defense, taking half the points of the latter and adding them to the former, which lasts until the end of the combat, and gains an extra bonus (+5) to its Initiative. Doing so, Treants lose the abilty to entangle enemies (activated ability).
  • Immune to Slow - This creature cannot be slowed down.


Heroes V Sylvan creatures
Basic creatures
Pixie · Blade dancer · Hunter · Druid · Unicorn · Treant · Green dragon
Upgraded creatures
Sprite · War dancer · Master hunter · Druid elder · Silver unicorn · Ancient treant · Emerald dragon
Alternate upgrades
Dryad · Wind dancer · Arcane archer · High druid · Pristine unicorn · Savage treant · Crystal dragon