Might and Magic Wiki

"With the Anduran Foothills under his control, Spazz Maticus now turns his attention to the ore-rich Rusted Desert. Not only does the Rusted Desert contain a large supply of ore but it is also the home of the Megadragon king. Spazz needs the local supply of ore for his war machine, and has a plan to enlist the aid of the Megadragon King in his conquest. Standing in his way is the indigenous population of nomadic warriors and raiding parties of Von Tarkin's undead army."

Rusted Desert is the second scenario in the To Rule the World campaign in Winds of War.


"Not only must Spazz conquer the Rusted Desert and lay claim to the large ore deposits located within, he must also enlist the aid of the Megadragon King living in a vale in the desert. This area lies on the outskirts of Baron Von Tarkin's domain and will most likely be defended by both the indigenous population and Tarkin's undead minions."

Spazz Maticus reaches the Rusted Desert, where he must build up his forces, cross the sandy dunes, and destroy the undead forces of Baron Von Tarkin. He must also convince the nearby Megadragon king to form an alliance, so that Spazz may employ the feared megadragons in combat.

Spazz's forces in the Anduran Foothills will ship him seven sulfur on the last day of each week, making it easier to use Black dragons.


The key in this scenario is to build up Spazz's forces before venturing too close to the enemy towns, as the enemy starts with a large army.

Defeat the red army before visiting the Megadragon King, as not only will he ask for a few items held by the red heroes (the Dragon Scale Armor and the Dragon Scale Shield), he will also ask for 100 sulfur - resources that could go towards fielding more creatures. Once the red player is defeated, gathering the resources is much easier.

The neutral Nomads on the map will move to attack nearby forces, so Spazz should be prepared for attacks any time he moves near them.

Spazz Maticus will carry over to the next scenario, as will the Armor of Death, the Supreme Crown of the Magi and the Snowshoes artifacts. The three artifacts can be found to the southeast, south of the Megadragon King's lair. Also, if he found the Mayhem Staff in the Anduran Foothills, he will also carry it to the next scenario.
