Rumport is a town in Axeoth. It is located in the Strait of the Lost, and appears in the A Pirate's Daughter campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
Rumport was established by Tawni Balfour's men to act as her garrison on the Strait of the Lost, to ease her conquest of the Gold Sea. It was located at the end of a peninsula, and the steep sea allowed even large ships to weigh anchor there.
Shortly after the town was founded, Tawni lost contact with them. Some months later, she sailed down with a fleet of seven ships to find out what had happened, but they were ambushed by mermaids and sea monsters, and five of her ships were sunk. She made her way to the town on foot, and discovered that her men had been slain, their bodies impaled on posts.
Tawni managed to defeat the raiders who had taken the town, and rebuilt her garrison. She left Arnoc the Hairless in charge of the ships and Pete Girly in charge of Rumport, and headed south to take over the rest of the Strait of the Lost. She hoped the men's ambitions would cancel each other out, but Pete Girly sent a false message instructing Arnoc to come ashore, then ambushed and killed him. He then gathered a fleet and sailed after Tawni, intending to kill her and her supporters. After a great struggle, Tawni slew him, and took back control of Rumport.
Rumport is an Asylum that appears in the The Strait of the Lost scenario. It starts out neutral, and Tawni must invade it.
Building an Eye of Chaos in Rumport is one of the objectives of the scenario.