Might and Magic Wiki
Icon-MM8 Regnan sorcerer Icon-MM8
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Hit Points: 137
Armor Class: 0
Damage: 3D6+3
Movement limit: Medium
Speed: 60
Attack Speed: 90
AI type: Aggressive
Primary attack: Air (ranged)
Spells: Level 7 master lightning bolt (20%)
Experience: 875
Treasure: 5D30 gold
20% chance for a level 2 wand
Fire: 0
Air: 25
Water: 0
Earth: 0
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10
Body: 10
Light: 0
Dark: 0
Physical: 0

The Regnan sorcerer is a monster in Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer. Its stronger versions are the Regnan battlemage and Regnan archmage.

Regnan sorcerers can be found in Regna Island, the Small Sub Pen, the Passage Under Regna, and the Abandoned Pirate Keep. They have a ranged attack that does 3D6+3 air damage, and have a 20% chance to use the lightning bolt spell.
