Might and Magic Wiki

Reem is a hero in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. Reem is a Barbarian.

Reem is a Centaur, one of the many species created by the Wizards of the Seven Cities. Half-human and half-horse, Centaurs served their masters honourably as scouts as mobile archery in their armies. But once there was no more wars to fight, the Centaurs were given less and less noble tasks, and ended up no better than slaves, carrying messages and pulling carts. Once a soldier in the Wizard army, Reem herself didn't escape this fate. Despite the strictness of her military training, she has kept her free will and reserves her loyalty for the one who will free her people from servitude.OffBck


Hero Trait
Centaur Chieftain H7 Centaur Chieftain
Governor: +3 Centaur and Centaur Marauder growth in the town's area of control.OffBck


Reem appears in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.

Might & Magic: Heroes VII characters Icon-H7
Original Campaign
Protagonists Original: Fahada - Imani - Ivan Griffin - Tomas Wolf - Vayaron - Wysloth - Zenda
Antagonists Asad al-Kzin - Ashbeth - Jengo - Krysztoff - Qasim - Seamus - Serguei Griffin - Yasir
Supporting campaign characters Anastasya Griffin - Bluebeak - Danan - Giovanni - Kente - Kibwe - Konrad - Lasir - Nolwenn - Murazel - Reem - Sylrael - Tanis - Tieru - Vein
Standard heroes Academy: Aali - Ajit - Asad al-Kzin - Fahada - Gloria - Johari - Masfar - Minasli - Mirym - Nur - Saabira - Solmyr - Yasir
Dungeon: Ashbeth - Darkstorm - Lethos - Salvin - Sephinroth - Sinitar - Sorshan - Sylsai - Yeshtar - Yrbeth - Yrris
Haven: Alesia - Amilcar - Christian - Edric - Ella - Krysztoff - Melisande - Orna - Serguei Griffin - Tyris - Archbishop Wilhelm - Ymoril
Necropolis: Charna - Kaspar - Lordess Ludmilla - Lucretia - Luna - Lyla - Merikh - Naadir - Zakera - Zoltan
Stronghold: Amari - Anga - Ann - Bilashi - Drakon - Gird - Ishi - Kengi - Kibwe - Reem - Shani - Yog
Sylvan: Agathin - Ciele - Dirael - Gem - Ivor - Jenova - Lasir - Ossir - Sailin - Sinithala - Sylrael - Tieru