Might and Magic Wiki

Reed is a character in the Price of Peace, the Academy campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

He appears in the level An Unusual Betrayal as a first-level Knight. Emilia Nighthaven has to free him from a jail on Asp Isle to pass a quest gate leading to the lands of Lord Landrew. In the Price of Peace scenario, he is one of the heroes keeping Gavin Magnus busy while Emilia, Solmyr, and Kodge search for the Mind Shield.


Reed is a young guard from a poor family sword to the service of Lord Landrew. Recently, Landrew made Reed a knight and his assistant - a duty Reed doesn't take lightly.OffBck

Reed was the assistant to Lord Landrew. Reed was away visiting his family when Solmyr arrived in Landrew's lands with the Crystal Pendulum, and by the time the young knight came back, everyone was under the control of Gavin Magnus. Landrew imprisoned Reed on the remote, inaccessible Asp Isle.

When Emilia freed Reed, the young man was malnourished and barely able to walk, but insisted on walking from the prison on his own power.


Reed has the same icon as Marcius.

Great Arcan
Personnel and benefactors
Bozilast · Companions of Emilia · Daeraphena · Eddwil· Emilia Nighthaven · Gavin Magnus · Tharj Orcsplitter · Holman · Koelox · Lady Miranda · Lord Bloth · Lord Oliver · Lord Landrew · Mazellian · Old King Dreggar · Reed · Sir Mardor · Solmyr ibn Wali Barad · The Sapper Brothers
Notable territories and cities
Asp Isle · Arcania · Brookside
Relevant terms
Armor of Order · Black Dragon Graveyard · Crystal Pendulum · Dragon golem · Dwarf · Gold golem · Mind Shield · Red dwarf · Sword of the Gods · The Rainbow Crystal
Relevant games
Heroes of Might and Magic IV
Heroes IV characters Icon-H4
Original campaign protagonists Cyrca - King Elwin - King Gauldoth Half-Dead - General Tharj Orcsplitter - Gramin - King Lysander Gryphonheart - King Waerjak - Lady Desette - Pete Girly - Proetho - Queen Emilia Nighthaven - Reed - Sir Kentaine - Solmyr ibn Wali Barad - Suraze - Tawni Balfour
Antagonists Captain Swift - Kalibarr - King Gavin Magnus - King Worton - Lord Harke - Old King Dreggar - Solmyr ibn Wali Barad - Vogel Backbreaker - Mer-Queen
Supporting campaign characters Anda - Anda's father - Adamus - Alana - Arnoc the Hairless - Bawdo - Black Balfour - Captain Enric - Captain Ferth - Queen Catherine Ironfist - Daeraphena - Daeric - Dirty-face Derring - Driden - Eight-fingers Oba - Elf King - Foz the Axe - Gelu - God of Death - Gory Gordy - Hadrin - Hoff - Hundric - Jim Journey - King Kilgor - King Nicolas Gryphonheart - Koelox - Korbert - Lord Bloth - Lord Landrew - Malvich - Mastero - Mazellian - Menathat - The Minotaur King - Mirilass - Mott - Norry - Reed - Sandro - Sir Mardor - Worllarc - Milton - Shaera - Tarnum - Wulgar