Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see ravager.

The ravager is a creature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. It is an Elite creature of the Inferno faction, and is the upgraded version of the juggernaut.

The Ravager cannot be mistaken for a Juggernaut. When it appears on a battlefield, it becomes the only unit that the enemy sees. Its aura of imminent destruction has made more than one experienced leader throw caution to the wind and concentrate attacks on the Ravager. It is difficult to argue such hasty decisions in the heat of battle, for the creature is one of the most powerful and destructive forces to walk the sulfurous grounds of Sheogh.OffBck


Living Living
Can be healed and resurrected. Susceptible to morale.OffBck
Fireproof Skin Fireproof Skin
Having adapted to the volcanic environment of their prison-world Sheogh, demons are 20% more resistant to Fire damage.OffBck
Vulnerability to Light Vulnerability to Light
Light spells which damage the living are empowered against undead and demons by 20%. Light spells which heal the living damage undead and demons.OffBck
Organic Armor Organic Armor
The Juggernauts have made a pact with Ur-Khrag, the Demon Overlord of Destruction. In exchange for their promise to destroy all that Asha has created, they have been given an organic armor that mutates constantly, making it impossible to hamper magically. Many a wizard has died with eyes open in astonishment, as his most powerful spell has no affect against the creatures.
The creature is immune to effects decreasing Might Resistance, Magic Resistance, Might Defense and Magic Defense.OffBck
Juggernaut Unstoppable Charge Unstoppable Charge
Juggernauts relish opportunities to destroy all living and un-living creations of Asha, the Dragon-Goddess of Order. Whether organic or mineral, their charge creates a wake of destruction that obliterates everything in its path on the way to its target. It is said that they particularly adore the sound of shattering stone. It is music to their ears that remind them of the mines in Sheogh where they often choose to live.
The creature moves towards the target area hitting all stacks and objects along the way. Structural damage dealt during this attack is increased by 3. (Active Combat, 3 Cooldown)OffBck
Taunting Presence Taunting Presence
The Ravager’s presence on the battlefield is so impressive that all enemies around it consider it to be the only force capable of determining the outcome of the battle. This magical aura of imminent destruction acts like a beacon and the Ravager draws all attacks towards itself, even when a closer and more dangerous foe is standing right next to the aggressor.
Forces enemy stacks within two squares of the creature to focus attacks and abilities on him. Moving away will clear this effect.OffBck


Heroes VI Inferno Faction Icon Inferno
Basic creatures
Maniac · Hell hound · Succubus · Breeder · Tormentor · Juggernaut · Pit fiend
Upgraded creatures
Demented · Cerberus · Lilim · Breeder mother · Lacerator · Ravager · Pit lord