Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses of the term, see Ranger.

The Ranger is an advanced class in Heroes of Might and Magic IV. It requires specialization in Combat and Scouting.

Due to having already one of these skills, Archers, Barbarians and Thieves are likely candidates for this class.


A ranger has their ranged attack increased by +5, and always has a ranged attack even without Archery skill or items.


The Ranger has the following priorities to learn secondary skills:

Notable rangers[]

Heroes of Might and Magic IV classes
Standard hero classes Knight - Death Knight - Lord - Thief - Archer - Barbarian - Priest - Necromancer - Mage - Sorcerer - Druid
Advanced classes Archmage - Assassin - Bard - Battle Mage - Beast Lord - Beastmaster - Cardinal - Crusader - Dark Lord - Dark Priest - Demonologist - Enchanter - Field Marshal - Fire Diviner - Fireguard - General - Guildmaster - Heretic - Illusionist - Lich - Lord Commander - Monk - Ninja - Paladin - Prophet - Pyromancer - Ranger - Reaver - Seer - Shadow Mage - Summoner - Warden - Warlock - Warlord - Witch King - Wizard - Wizard King