Might and Magic Wiki

A ramble house is a sort of waystation and wander house, appearing in Might and Magic: The Dreamwright and Might and Magic: The Shadowsmith. Two ramble houses appear in the novels.

On their way to the Unseen Wall, Diligence' caravan stops at Paddifraw's Repose, a large, colorful, and chaotic-looking pile of boxes and tunnels. Here, Hitch encounters the mysterious hooded figure for the first time, who gives him a gift that later turns out to be a missing piece of the Dreamwright machine. Also, Alacrity is found murdered and chopped into pieces.

After the caravan is ambushed, Hitch, Diligence, and the hatchling are contacted by Pomponderant, who directs them to Penbarb's Balm of Golden Rest, a modest ramble house near Wostonall. Here, they meet up with Welleck, and take a water caravan north on the river Lehr, arriving at the nameless village near the Unseen Wall a week later. The caravan also stops at the ramble house on their way back to The Wheel.
