Might and Magic Wiki
Icon-MM6 Priest of Baa Icon-MM6
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Hit Points: 137
Armor Class: 22
Damage: 2D4 + 8
Attack Speed: 100
Primary attack: Electrical
Primary attack ranged: Electrical
Spells: Flying fist
Spell use %: 20
Level: 25
Experience: 875
Treasure: 100D10 gold
10% chance for third-level miscellaneous artifact

The priest of Baa is a monster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. It is a stronger version of the acolyte of Baa and cleric of Baa.

In addition to their electric attacks, they have a 20% chance of using the flying fist spell.

Priests of Baa can be encountered in the Free Haven Sewers, Temple of Baa, Superior Temple of Baa, and Supreme Temple of Baa.
