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The pit fiend is a creature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. The Champion creature of the Inferno faction, its upgraded version is the pit lord.

Defeated, wounded and jailed, Urgash, the Primordial Dragon of Chaos, is consumed by hatred for his sister Asha and her Creation. Ur-Hekal, the Demon Overlord of Hate, is the expression of that endless enmity and the mighty Pit Fiends are his most spectacular agents. It is said that the only creature a Pit Fiend does not hate is itself, and even that is open for discussion.OffBck


Living Living
Can be healed and resurrected. Susceptible to morale.OffBck
Fireproof Skin Fireproof Skin
Having adapted to the volcanic environment of their prison-world Sheogh, demons are 20% more resistant to Fire damage.OffBck
Vulnerability to Light Vulnerability to Light
Light spells which damage the living are empowered against undead and demons by 20%. Light spells which heal the living damage undead and demons.OffBck
Hateful Retaliation Hateful Retaliation
“Never underestimate a raging Pit Fiend’s intelligence. They may fight like a possessed creature, but they have one hell of a good memory!” Those legendary words of advice were given by the Arch-Angel Harrodal to Pavel Griffin the week before he was slain in battle against a legion of demons. Pit Fiends never forget to retaliate against a creature that has done them damage in a battle, no matter where they are on the field of battle. They seem to keep a mental hate list, and there is always room for another name.
When retaliating, creature deals Fire damage to all creatures that have previously attacked him.Damage is equal to damage from creature’s standard attack.OffBck
Blinded by Rage Blinded by Rage
A Pit Fiend is driven by Hatred the way a cart is driven by a horse. Nothing can control its anger on a battlefield and it is immune to all mental attacks that would affect even the strongest of wills. Ur-Hekal, the Demon Overlord of Hate, is said to be the only power capable of making a Pit Fiend stop an attack, and since Ur-Hekal has never found a good reason not to attack someone, his favored creatures are considered uncontrollable even by the Princes of Sheogh.
The creature is immune to harmful Mind Influence and effects reducing Movement.OffBck
Blade of Hatred Blade of Hatred
“Suddenly, all I could think about was that Rapheous owed me three crystals, and that I needed to make him pay. So I threw a fire ball at him.” In this excerpt from a Seven Cities’ Court martial Trial the wizards were the first to understand the maliciousness of the Pit Fiends’ power of Hatred. When confronting a Pit Fiend the attacker might become momentarily infected by its hate. At that point anything can happen, and one might even attack an old friend over some ridiculous old squabble, until brought to reason by an attack from the true enemy on the battlefield.
Attacked creatures are inflicted by Hatred and will attack random adjacent creatures. Hatred lasts for 1 turn and it is dispelled if damage is dealt to its target.OffBck


Heroes VI Inferno Faction Icon Inferno
Basic creatures
Maniac · Hell hound · Succubus · Breeder · Tormentor · Juggernaut · Pit fiend
Upgraded creatures
Demented · Cerberus · Lilim · Breeder mother · Lacerator · Ravager · Pit lord