Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see pegasus.

The pegasus is the fourth-tier creature of the Rampart faction in Heroes of Might and Magic III. It can be recruited from the enchanted spring. The pegasus can be upgraded to the silver pegasus.

Pegasi, winged horses ridden by female elven warriors, are the flying cavalry of the Rampart army. Their appearance on the battlefield makes it more difficult for enemy spellcasters, who must pay two extra spell points per spell cast when pegasi are present.OffBck

As a fast flyer with decent stats, the pegasus is great for targetting the weaker members of the enemy army. Their Magic damper ability makes the enemy hero pay two more spell points for every spell they cast.


  • Aeris is a specialist in pegasi, and gives them +1 to Attack and Defense per hero level after fourth level. These creatures also get +1 to Speed.

Basic creatures
Centaur · Dwarf · Wood elf · Pegasus · Dendroid guard · Unicorn · Green dragon
Upgraded creatures
Centaur captain · Battle dwarf · Grand elf · Silver pegasus · Dendroid soldier · War unicorn · Gold dragon