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The pearl priestess is a creature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. It is a Core creature of the Sanctuary faction, and it is the upgraded version of the coral priestess.

The Pearl Priestesses have learned to use the power of water to heal their allies, providing invaluable support to their ranks.OffBck


Living Living
Can be healed and resurrected. Susceptible to morale.OffBck
Amphibian Amphibian
Immunity to Movement reductions from the Water Magic School. Sanctuary Heroes can travel on the seas if all their army is amphibian.OffBck
Resistance to Water Resistance to Water
Nagas (and their allied water spirits) are % resistant to damage (Water).OffBck
Vulnerability to Air Vulnerability to Air
All damage (Air) is increased on the nagas (and their allied water spirits) by %.OffBck
Heroes VI Waves of Renewal Icon Waves of Renewal
“May the Waters of Shalassa renew your body and spirit.” Countless Naga have heard this prayer of the Pearl and Coral Priestesses in the most heated moments of battle. It bathes them in a powerful aura that heals their wounds, removes any negative thoughts, and dispels the effects of enemy magic.
Target is healed for 3 Health and dispelled of one random negative effect. Lasts 3 turns. Cooldown: 1 turn(s). Charges: 2OffBck
Heroes VI Eyes of the Medusa Icon Eyes of the Medusa
“It was like the fire inside me had been drowned in a bucket of chilled ale.” This report, from a Dwarf pirate to his captain after a skirmish with a Pearl Priestess, illustrates well the effects of the Naga`s mesmerizing power. It dulls the minds of their enemies, making them much slower to react.
The Pearl Priestess's attack decreases target's Initiative by 20 for 2 turns.OffBck


The pearl priestess is the first ranged unit of the Sanctuary faction, and one of the cornerstones of its offense. Attacks of the pearl priestess temporarily reduce the initiative of the target, so it is best used on creatures that need delaying for as long as possible, such as enemy ranged units. Its healing ability, Waves of Renewal, is useful if the hero does not have a more efficient healing spell at their disposal, or if the target is both damaged and affected by one or more negative effects. The pearl priestess is unusual in that its attacks are of the air element, an element it is itself vulnerable to. This gives it an advantage against other creatures of the Sanctuary faction, but can make it more difficult to fight enemies such as the Air elemental.

When besieging targets, the pearl priestess, being one of the faction's two ranged units, is very important to ensure continual damage to the defenders. Consider the use of a spell such as Storm Arrows to help remove the penalty for firing into fortifications. When the army is being besieged, the role of the pearl priestess is just the opposite - to help defeat targets able to harass units inside the castle, such as the archers or flying units, to allow the siege to whittle down enemy numbers while they need to wait for walls to come down to attack properly.

When fighting a pearl priestess, as with any archer, closing to melee is helpful to prevent her from launching off her more deadly ranged attacks. Additionally, her might defense is significantly lower than her magic defense, allowing for a might unit, ranged or melee, to bring defeat that much more quickly. Despite utilizing attacks of the air element, pearl priestess are vulnerable to Air attacks and resistant to Water attacks, as all Sanctuary units are. A spell such as Lightning Bolt or an attack from another pearl priestess will hasten their defeat.


Heroes VI Sanctuary Faction Icon Sanctuary
Basic creatures
Shark guard · Coral priestess · Kappa · Spring spirit · Snow maiden · Kenshi · Kirin
Upgraded creatures
Wanizame · Pearl priestess · Kappa shoya · Mizu-kami · Yuki-onna · Kensei · Sacred kirin