"With the cities of the north under his control, Mongo was able to fortify his position and crush the forces of Channon when they arrived. With the main force eliminated, there should be little opposition as the invasion continues. A quick strike now could find Rylos hopelessly undefended!"
Party Crashers is the third and last scenario in the Barbarian Hordes campaign in Winds of War.
"The invasion has reached the interior of Channon. Amidst rumors of an existing war and heroic defenders, Mongo must capture Riverview Castle, the largest stronghold in the north and final stepping-stone before the capital of Rylos."
The Barbarian hordes of Mongo reach the Dragonveil river. The defenders of Channon have a large garrison here, and a large reward has been placed on Mongo's head, sending a group of heroes and mercenaries after him.
But Mongo pushes past them, claiming the town of Riverview Castle as his own.
While Mongo, at this point, should be a fairly strong hero, he's not strong enough to face these enemies on his own. Building and maintaining a large army is vital for Mongo's survival on this map.
The closest Haven town is lightly defended, so he should capture it fairly early for the extra income. A large force of Champions defend the nearby bridge, blocking Haven's counter-attacks. They'll get through soon enough, though.
Moving around on the map will be a large force of heroes, hired by Channon to bring down Mongo. They're quite dangerous, and shoulld be avoided until they can be eliminated.
Destroying every one of Haven's units is certainly possible, but hard. The easiest way for Mongo to be victorious is to push forward, claiming the vital Riverview Castle as early as possible, for example by harassing the other towns to draw their forces away. Once the Castle is captured, the rest will surrender.
South of the first Haven town, there's a Ring of Regeneration and a Dragon Scale Shield. In the forest area just across the river from Mongo's Stronghold, there's a Sword of Swiftness.
Mongo will carry over to The Last Bastion campaign.