"Ordwald. I find the name distasteful. This old man has held rich Nighon lands given to him by a much greater father. He has squandered his time and done little to earn his stature. I have stood in his shadow and by his borders too long. His lands will be mine."
Ordwald is the main antagonist of the Dragon's Blood campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's Blade. An aging Nighon Druid and scion to a "much greater father", Ordwald vied against Mutare, spending his accumulated wealth and, ultimately, his life in their mutual quest to discover the Vial of Dragon Blood.
His father gave him a warrior’s name, but Ordwald rejected the warrior’s arts and turned to magic. He is an old, but powerful, warlock in a land where lords almost never live long enough to grow old.OffBck
Ordwald appears in Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's Blade.
Despite being a Druid, he is referred to as a Warlock.