Order Magic is a school of magic in Heroes of Might and Magic IV. Using these spells requires the hero to learn the appropriate level of Order Magic skill.
The hero can learn Order Magic spells by visiting Institute of Magic magic guild in Academy towns, Order of Enchantment in Haven towns and annex of wizardry in Necropolis towns. The hero can learn all Order Magic spells if they carry the Tome of Order, up to their level of expertise in Order Magic.
Level 1[]
Level 1 spells cost 2 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Blur | Blessings | Blur obscures a target's true position, increasing its Ranged Defense by 50%. | A good archer has steady hands and keen eyesight. The hands are remarkably difficult to influence, unlike the eyes, which sit there at the front of the mind.OffBck | Blur can be cast by mages. Heroes with Shadow Mage class have this ability. |
A hero wearing archmages' hat has this ability. ![]() | |||||
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Dispel | Blessings, curses | Dispel removes all spells, both beneficial and harmful, from the target. It has no effect on Poison or Plague. | Deconstruction is the basis of all study. You must know a thing's parts before you can know the sum of those parts. And thus, dispelling even that which we cannot cast becomes simple.OffBck | Dispel, when cast on a summoned unit, removes it. This spell ignores magic resistance. The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. An army with a hero equipped with ring of permanency artifact is immune to this effect. |
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Displacement | Blessings, curses | Displacement causes the target to move 2 yards in a direction of the caster's choice, if possible. |
The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. |
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Magic fist | Damaging spells | Magic Fist does a number of points of damage based on the level of the caster to a single target within the line-of-sight of the caster. | A strong defense is paramount to one's survival, but battles cannot be won by defense alone. So when the time comes strike hard and fast.OffBck | Magic fist's power can be additionally boosted if the hero is of Battle Mage class. It can be cast by mages. |
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Precision | Blessings | Precision increases the target's Ranged Attack by 25%, and also gives the target no penalty for range, walls or obstacles. | Firing aimlessly into the enemy is a tactic used too often by foolish commanders. Why leave to chance what you can control?OffBck | Precision is a mind spell. Two obstacles still give penalty to creature's ranged attack with this effect. |
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Visions | Blessings | Visions shows you the exact number of troops in an army on the adventure map and reveals the skills of an enemy hero. | Unfortunately, scouting reports of one's enemy are not always accurate. A set of checks and balances are necessary for victory.OffBck | Visions is only cast on the adventure map, it cannot be cast in battles. |
Level 2[]
Level 2 spells cost 3 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Cowardice | Curses | Cowardice makes the target unable to attack an enemy with more total hit points for 3 turns. | Weaker units wisely team up against a single, stronger opponent, overwhelming them. To counter that, you must keep them off your back.OffBck | Cowardice is a mind spell. A unit with this effect cannot target enemy creatures that have more total hit points with spells. The unit can still retaliate against such creatures. It can be cast by genies. It is inflicted by evil eyes. The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. |
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Create illusion | Summoning spells | Create Illusion forms a duplicate stack of creatures with a number of hit points based on the level of the caster. The illusion vanishes after combat ends. | If the mind believes something is real then it is real in every sense of the word - exept that it still may not have physical form.OffBck | Creatures summoned by create illusion are immune to mind spells, as well as healing spells (bind wound, heal, mass healing, divine intervention and resurrection). If cast twice on the same creature unit, the same unit has additional units (the spell does not create two separate units). If this spell is cast on a spellcasting unit, the summoned creature does not have mana points. If this spell is cast on a ranged unit, the first unit gains ammo shots, but casting it twice does not replenish them. This spell cannot target creatures immune to magic. If the hero casts town portal spell in battle, the summoned creatures remain to battle, and if victorious, the retreating hero receives no experience. This spell's power can be additionally boosted if the hero is of Illusionist class. It can be cast by genies and a hero with wand of illusions artifact equipped. |
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Flight | Blessings | Flight grants a friendly target the ability to fly until the end of combat. | The longer a siege, the worse it is for the attacker. So, ways must be created to topple a defender. Nothing surprises them more than flying right over their walls.OffBck | A hero wearing angelfeather cloak has this ability. ![]() |
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Ice bolt | Damaging spells | Ice Bolt does a number of points of cold damage based on the level of the caster to a single target within the line of sight of the caster. | Someone was needed to counteract the seering fire attacks favored by Chaos spellcasters.OffBck | Ice bolt's power can be additionally boosted if the hero is of Battle Mage class. It can be cast by genies, water elementals and a hero that has wand of ice artifact equipped. This spell does not affect water elementals and ice demons. |
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Power drain | Curses | Power drain causes the target's spells to cost double the normal spell points. | In magical battles, the conservation of mana is everything! He who can cast the last spell will be victorious.OffBck | The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. |
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Slow | Curses | Slow causes the enemy target to move at half speed and movement. | When a charging enemy suddenly feels a tremendous weight on his back, he can only slow his pace to compensate even if there is nothing there to explain this unusual heaviness.OffBck | Slow does not stack with fatigue spell. The effect of this spell can be replaced by haste and speed spells. It can be cast by genies. It is inflicted by evil eyes. The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. |
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Steal enchantment | Curses | Steal Enchantment removes a beneficial spell from an enemy target and places it on a random friendly target. | Once a magical energy has been cast, it is suprisingly simple to transfer its area of focus to another.OffBck | Steal enchantment also affects other abilities, such as the ones granted by potions. The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. An army with a hero equipped with with ring of permanency artifact is immune to this effect. |
Level 3[]
Level 3 spells cost 5 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Banish | Damaging spells | Banish destroys a number of summoned creatures based on the caster's skill. | Where do they go? There are two schools of thoughts in this area. Some believe the banished creature is cast into oblivion - dies. Other more sensible thinkers believe they simple return from whence they came.OffBck | Banish can only target enemy summoned creatures. |
It can be cast by evil sorceresses. ![]() | |||||
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Forgetfulness | Curses | Forgetfulness restrains an enemy target from using ranged attacks for the duration of the combat. | Ranged troops can easily turn the tide of battle, that is, unless you take them out of the equation.OffBck | Forgetfulness is a mind spell. It is inflicted by evil eyes. The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. An army with a hero equipped with crystal of memory artifact is immune to this effect. |
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Mass blur | Blessings | Mass Blur obscures the true position of all friendly targets, increasing their Ranged Defense by 50%. | A good archer has steady hands and keen eyesight. The hands are remarkably difficult to influence, unlike the eyes, which sit there at the front of the mind.OffBck | |
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Mass dispel | Blessings, curses | Mass Dispel removes all spells from all targets. | Efforts to increase the power of Dispel resulted in a power that, unfortunately, cannot be directed. Nonetheless, it is quite effective.OffBck | Mass dispel also removes all summoned creatures. An army with a hero equipped with with ring of permanency artifact is immune to this effect. |
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Mass precision | Blessings | Mass Precision increases the Ranged Attack of all friendly ranged targets by 25%, and also gives the target no penalty for range, walls or obstacles. | Of course, nothing is a substitute for extensive training, but sometimes you are forced to work with inexperienced troops.OffBck | Mass precision is a mind spell. |
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Teleport | Blessings, curses | Teleport instantly moves the target to another designated point on the battlefield. | A true testiment to the power of experimentation! As a result of extensive study of the magical portals around the land, this spell was finally created, although in a limited form.OffBck | The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. |
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Town gate | Blessings | Town Gate transports the caster and accompanying army to the nearest of the towns they control. | This spell requires a predetermined destination or else the caster will become lost in the cosmos forever, and unfortunately the only safe spot is a town under your control.OffBck | Town gate teleports the hero to the closest town on the level (surface or underground) they are standing on. If the town has armies standing in front of the entrance, that the hero cannot be transported to that town. This spell can be cast outside combat. |
Level 4[]
Level 4 spells cost 8 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Berserk | Curses | Berserk forces the target to attack the nearest creature or hero, whether friend or foe. | One scholar's study of anger in a Barbarian culture resulted in a fascinating discovery that proves useful in battle.OffBck | Berserk is a mind spell. It can also be cast on friendly creature units. This effect is not removed if the affected creature kills a unit in one blow. The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. |
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Blind | Curses | Blind causes an enemy target within the line of sight of the caster to become unable to take an action for 3 rounds. It is dispelled if the target takes damage. | Creatures that never had eyes in the first place, like the troglodyte, are immune to Blind.OffBck | Blind can sometimes be inflicted by unicorns. A hero equipped with crown of enchantment artifact can cast this spell on creatures immune to this effect. Troglodytes and an army with a hero equipped with helm of seeing artifact are immune to this effect. |
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Mass slow | Curses | Mass Slow causes all non-immune enemy targets to move at half speed and movement. | The muscles become like rubber and the lungs constrict to allow in far less air. The result is an enemy army that is tired, sluggish, and easier to defeat.OffBck | The effect of this spell can be replaced by mass speed spell. |
It can be cast by evil sorceresses. ![]() | |||||
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Phantom image | Summoning spells | Phantom Image creates a duplicate of a single creature. The strength of the image depends on the caster's level. | It is just an illusion, a figment of light and imagination. But it is so thoroughly convincing that people have been known to smell it's illusionary sweat.OffBck | The effects of phantom image are the same as create illusion, but with higher potency. If there is an existing unit summoned by create illusion, this spell adds more creatures to that unit, instead of creating a separate unit, and vice versa. This spell's power can be additionally boosted if the hero is of Illusionist class. |
Level 5[]
Level 5 spells cost 12 mana to cast.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
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Hypnotize | Curses | Hypnotize brings the target under the caster's control for 3 turns. | The mind is surprisingly weak and open to suggestion, especially the mind of your average soldier, so why not take advantage of it?OffBck | Hypnotize is a mind spell. It can sometimes be inflicted by mermaids. The hero can cast this spell even if they cannot see the enemy creature. Blessing spells can be cast on the creature with this effect. |
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Pain mirror | Blessings | Pain Mirror causes half the damage done to a friendly target to be done to the attacker as well. The reflected damage cannot exceed the hit points of the target. | Efforts to turn all damage back to its origin failed, so we had to settle on a sort of balanced retribution… for now.OffBck | Pain mirror inflicts damage to units that performed a melee or ranged attack. |
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Steal all enchantments | Curses | Steal All Enchantments causes all beneficial enchantments on enemy targets to be removed and distributed randomly among friendly targets. | With a single spell, we can assure that our forces have advantage over our enemy. Now, that is the model of efficiency!OffBck | An army with a hero equipped with ring of permanency artifact is immune to this effect. |
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This article is in need of image(s), or would greatly benefit from higher quality images. If you happen to have one available, please upload a relevant image and place it here. |
These spells cannot be learned by the hero, but are cast by other methods.
Icon | Spell | Category | Description | Blurb | Notes |
Bind flyer | Curses | Removes a target's natural ability to fly, and reduces the target's movement and speed by half. | Bind flyer is inflicted by a hero equipped with spider's silk arrows artifact, but only by a ranged attack. | ||
Stun | Curses | The target is unable to act for one turn. | Stun can sometimes be inflicted by squires, heroes with Guildmaster class or a hero equipped with barbarian throwing club artifact. It is also inflicted by a hero equipped with arrow of stunning artifact, but only for ranged attacks. This effect ignores magic resistance. | ||
Frozen | Curses | A frozen creature or hero is unable to act for 2 turns. | Frozen is sometiems inflicted by ice demons. | ||
Frozen is also sometimes inflicted by a hero equipped with frost hammer artifact. ![]() | |||||
Potion of cold | Blessings | The melee attacks of the hero who drinks this potion gain Freeze ability for the duration of one combat. | This potion can be consumed outside combat. It can be bought from an alchemist's shop in an Academy town. | ||
Vial of binding liquid | Curses | When thrown at a creature, it acts as a Slow spell and restricts the creature's ability to fly. | This potion's effect is treated as bind flyer spell. It can be bought from an alchemist's shop in an Academy town. |