Order Magic is a secondary skill in Heroes of Might and Magic IV. It is used to cast Order Magic spells.
Order Magic is related to secondary skills Enchantment, Wizardry and Charm. By default, mages start with this skill.
Order Magic can be combined with other secondary skills, which grants hero an advanced class:
- Chaos Magic: Wizard
- Death Magic: Shadow Mage
- Combat: Battle Mage
- Life Magic: Monk
- Nobility: Wizard King
- Nature Magic: Enchanter
- Scouting: Seer
- Tactics: Illusionist

Basic Order Magic allows the hero to cast level 1 Order Magic spells. It has no prerequesits.
This skill allows the hero to learn:

Advanced Order Magic allows the hero to cast level 2 and lower Order Magic spells. It requires the hero to learn Basic Order Magic and Basic Enchantment.
This skill allows the hero to learn:

Expert Order Magic allows the hero to cast level 3 and lower Order Magic spells. It requires the hero to learn Advanced Order Magic, Advanced Enchantment and Basic Wizardry.
This skill allows the hero to learn:

Master Order Magic allows the hero to cast level 4 and lower Order Magic spells. It requires the hero to learn Expert Order Magic, Expert Enchantment and Expert Wizardry.
This skill allows the hero to learn:

Grandmaster Order Magic allows the hero to cast level 5 and lower Order Magic spells. It requires the hero to learn Master Order Magic, Grandmaster Enchantment and Grandmaster Wizardry.
This is the final level of Order Magic skill, and does not unlock any additional skills. The hero can instead develop the Charm skill, if needed.