Might and Magic Wiki

Onoven is a character in the Price of Peace, the academy campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

Onoven appears as one of the companions of Emilia in to Slay an Immortal, as the group looks for the Sword of the Gods. He's a sixth-level warlord with expert Combat, advanced Nobility, and basic Melee and Estates. He begins with a chain mail and an axe.

Like most of the companions, he will not appear in a later scenario, so levelling him up will be a waste of experience that could have gone to Emilia or Kodge.


Onoven has always fought beside his brother Roeven. As the elder sibling, he is the serious one - the leader - but he will not fight without his brother at his side.OffBck

Onoven and Roeven were chosen to join Emilia on her quest because Tharj Orcsplitter considered them the best fighters in Great Arcan's army. Wielding his axe, Onoven was a great threat to his enemies.

When they made camp every night, it was Onoven's job to build a fire.

After they located the sword, the companions, apart from Kodge and Tharj, became part of a skirmish unit who harassed Gavin Magnus and his troops. Magnus found them, and all were captured. It's unknown if they were executed, or were freed when the Crystal Pendulum was destroyed.
