Might and Magic Wiki

Ohtar is a campaign exclusive Dungeon Hero found in Hammers of Fate and Might & Magic: Heroes VI.


Everybody knows Ohtar as a bad guy. However, nobody knows what misdeeds he has made exactly, possibly because he never leaves witnesses alive. He says that it is just a slander, but why do Scouts and Assassins follow him everywhere then?OffBck


Ohtar is a Warlock.


Hero Trait
H5SpecBlackHand Black Hand
All Scouts, Assassins and Stalkers in hero's army gain +1 to their Attack and Defence for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level.OffBck

H5BasicIrresistibleMagic Basic Irresistible Magic
H5BasicLuck Basic Luck
H5BasicAttack Basic Attack


Ylaya's Quest[]

  • The Break: Ohtar will spawn after 3 weeks when Ylaya spent time in the 2nd teritory.
  • Dragons: Ohtar is one of many Soulscar Clan heroes who periodically spawn and attack Ylaya.


  • Ohtar uses Vayshan as a template, only differing in his name and biography. Coincidentally, Vayshan's script name is Ohtarig, a name which is not far off from Ohtar.
  • Given his appearance is in a Dungeon Vs Dungeon map, his creation may have simply been to allow for a larger number of Dungeon Heroes to be fielded by both sides.


Ohtar appears only in Heroes of Might and Magic V add-on, Hammers of Fate.


Dungeon heroes in Heroes V
Agbeth · Eruina · Ferigl · Kythra· Lethos · Ohtar · Raelag · Ranleth · Segref · Shadya · Sinitar · Sorgal · Thralsai · Vayshan · Ylaya · Yrbeth · Yrwanna
