Might and Magic Wiki

The oak dryad is a core creature of the Sylvan in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. It is the upgraded form of the dryad.

Dryads take on the image of the Treant that gave them birth. They are attached body and spirit to their progenitors. Oak Dryads, born from Oak Treants, are stronger and more resistant than other types of Dryads, making them great assets in times of war.OffBck


Treant Synergy Treant synergy
Close to Treants, Dryads emit a protective shield for all allies, and even heal the Treants by their only presence.
The creature and neighbouring friendly creatures have +5 Defence. The creature heals neighbouring friendly Treants at end of its turn for 1 Health.OffBck
Gift of Life Gift of Life
The Oak Dryads have such a close relationship to Treants than Mother Treants can literality offer their own lifeforce to them, allowing them resurrection.
Renewal of the Mother Treant also revives Dryads in addition to the regeneration.OffBck


Heroes VII Sylvan faction icon Sylvan
Basic creatures
Hunter · Dryad · Pixie · Druid · Moon doe · Blade dancer · Green dragon · Treant
Upgraded creatures
Master hunter · Oak dryad · Sprite · Druid elder · Sun deer · Blade master · Emerald dragon · Ancient treant
Warfare units
Sylvan ballista · Mother treant · Greater earth elemental