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For the faction in other games, see Necropolis.

"Life is change, chaos, filth and suffering. Death is peace, order, everlasting beauty."

The Necropolis is a faction in Might & Magic: Heroes VI.


Necropolis is a town of undead ruled by Necromancers and Ebon Knights. They worship Asha, the Primordial Dragon of Order herself, but in a twisted version of her "Death" aspect. Believing that life is filled with chaos, fear and misery, they look upon death as clean, peaceful and orderly.

Branded as enemies and heretics by the cities of Silver League and the Holy Falcon Empire and not owning a land they can call their own (as they don't have a capitol city), they hide far away from the living, or in secret societies within the league or empire.




The undead's biggest weaknesses are poor initiative and speed. But luckily they have instead 3 ranged creatures which usually will force the enemy to attack them. Unlike most other factions, Necropolis tactics generally involve destroying the enemy damage-dealers first and worrying about support creatures later. While the melee creatures attack the enemy's heavy hitters, the ghosts heal and the faction abilities raise. That way it does not matter how many Necropolis creatures fall in pursuit of killing enemy creatures. Of course, if there are enemy creatures with abilities that negate the hero's strengths, such as enemy healers to match the Necromancy ability, remove those threats first.



Village hall Necropolis Heroes VI Town hall Necropolis Heroes VI City hall Necropolis Heroes VICapitol Necropolis Heroes VIMarketplace Necropolis Heroes VI
Village hall Town hall City hallCapitolMarketplace
Allows you to purchase Rank 1 town buildings and increases your kingdom's daily income by 500 gold. Allows you to purchase Rank 2 town buildings and increases your kingdom's daily income by 1000 gold. Allows you to purchase Rank 3 town buildings and increases your kingdom's daily income by 2000 gold.Increases your kingdom's daily income by 4000 gold. You can only build 1 Capitol in your kingdom.Trading and exchanging resources. Produces 500 gold/day.




2000 gold
2 wood
2 ore


5000 gold
5 wood
5 ore
Town hall


10000 gold
10 wood
10 ore
City hall


2500 gold
2 wood
2 ore

Basic fortification Necropolis Heroes VIAdvanced fortification Necropolis Heroes VISuperior fortification Necropolis Heroes VIBasic town portal Necropolis Heroes VIAdvanced town portal Necropolis Heroes VI
Basic fortificationAdvanced fortificationSuperior fortificationBasic town portalAdvanced town portal
Erects walls around the town. Increases creature growth by 1.A cursed ground and a keep are added to your town's defenses. Any creature entering it or standing in it is dealt 40 damage (Earth) and its Might Resistance and Magic Resistance are decreased by 10% for 2 turns. Creature production is increased by 1.Adds 2 arrow towers, fortifies your town's defenses. Also increases creature growth by 1.Your heroes can teleport from this town to any other town you control.Allows the heroes to teleport back to this town.


2500 gold
5 wood
5 ore


5000 gold
10 wood
10 ore
Basic fortification
Town hall


7500 gold
15 wood
15 ore
Advanced fortification
City hall


3500 gold
5 wood
5 ore
5 crystal
Town hall


7000 gold
10 wood
10 ore
10 crystal
Basic town portal
City hall


Hall of Heroes Necropolis Heroes VI Chamber of Necromancy Necropolis Heroes VI Wasting grounds Necropolis Heroes VIAltar of Eternal Servitude Necropolis Heroes VIAsha's hourglass Necropolis Heroes VI
Hall of Heroes Chamber of Necromancy Wasting groundsAltar of Eternal ServitudeAsha's hourglass
Heroes can be hired here for a fee. Increases Necromancy Points gained by 10%. Effects of additionnal Chambers of Necromancy are cumulative, but for each new Chamber the bonus provided will be a little lower. The Might Damage and Health of all living creatures in the city's area of control are decreased by 10%.Bodies and remains of troops fallen in combat are gathered here, where they can be re-animated. If they have not been re-animated within 3 days, they crumble to dust. The cost is 50% higher than regular recruitment. Each additional altar reduces the cost by 10% and increases the duration by 1 day.Within the town's Area of Control, the Land Movement of enemy heroes is reduced by 30%. If enemy creatures besiege the town, their Initiative is decreased by 15.


2000 gold


2000 gold
2 wood
5 ore
2 crystal
Town hall


2000 gold
2 wood
5 ore
2 crystal
Town hall


4000 gold
5 wood
5 ore
8 crystal
City hall


4000 gold
5 wood
5 ore
8 crystal
City hall

Hall of the Immortals Necropolis Heroes VIAsha's undying resolve Necropolis Heroes VI
Hall of the ImmortalsAsha's undying resolve
Heroes can be resurrected for free. The primary attributes of a resurrected Hero are increased by 10% for 1 week.Provides 5000 gold/day and increases all creature production by 50%. Increases the effectiveness of the Necromancy faction ability by 100%.


7500 gold
5 wood
5 crystal
Hall of Heroes


15000 gold
15 wood
15 ore
15 crystal
Tear of Asha

Creature production[]


Graveyard Necropolis Heroes VI Crypt Necropolis Heroes VI Ruined tower Necropolis Heroes VISepulcher Necropolis Heroes VIPestilent tomb Necropolis Heroes VI
Graveyard Crypt Ruined towerSepulcherPestilent tomb
Allows recruitment of Skeletons. Allows recruitment of Ghouls. Allows recruitment of Ghosts.Allows recruitment of Liches.Allows recruitment of Lamasus.


1750 gold
6 wood
2 ore


1000 gold
4 ore


2500 gold
5 wood
5 ore


4000 gold
7 ore
4 crystal
Town hall


3500 gold
5 wood
5 ore
3 crystal
Town hall

Vampire mansion Necropolis Heroes VISpider temple Necropolis Heroes VI
Vampire mansionSpider temple
Allows recruitment of Vampires.Allows recruitment of Fate Spinners.


3500 gold
4 wood
5 ore
4 crystal
Town hall


11000 gold
14 wood
13 ore
13 crystal
City hall


Boneyard Necropolis Heroes VI Ravenous crypt Necropolis Heroes VI Haunted tower Necropolis Heroes VIMausoleum Necropolis Heroes VIPestilent catacomb Necropolis Heroes VI
Boneyard Ravenous crypt Haunted towerMausoleumPestilent catacomb
Allows recruitment of Skeletal Spearmen. Skeletal Spearman/Skeleton weekly production is increased by 5. Allows recruitment of Ravenous Ghouls. Ravenous Ghoul/Ghoul weekly production is increased by 4. Allows recruitment of Specters. Specter/Ghost weekly production is increased by 3.Allows recruitment of Archliches. Archlich/Lich weekly production is increased by 2.Allows recruitment of Putrid Lamasus. Putrid Lamasu/Lamasu weekly production is increased by 2.


2000 gold
5 wood
2 crystal


1500 gold
3 wood
4 ore
2 crystal


2500 gold
5 ore
4 crystal
Ruined tower


3000 gold
7 ore
6 crystal


3500 gold
2 wood
5 ore
6 crystal
Pestilent catacomb

Vampire palace Necropolis Heroes VISpider sanctum Necropolis Heroes VI
Vampire palaceSpider sanctum
Allows recruitment of Vampire Lords. Vampire Lord/Vampire weekly production is increased by 1.Allows recruitment of Fate Weavers. Fate Weaver/Fate Spinner weekly production is increased by 1.


2500 gold
3 wood
3 ore
2 crystal
Vampire mansion


9000 gold
11 wood
11 ore
12 crystal
Spider temple


Might & Magic: Heroes VI
Gameplay Reputation - Town conversion - Abilities - Bosses
Factions Dungeon Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Haven Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Inferno Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Necropolis Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Sanctuary Creatures - Might / Magic heroes
Stronghold Creatures - Might / Magic heroes