Might and Magic Wiki
For other uses, see mizu-kami.

The mizu-kami is a creature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. It is an Elite creature of the Sanctuary faction, and the upgraded version of the spring spirit.

Mizu Kami are Spring Spirits that have chosen to take up residence with the Eternal Empress, vowing to protect her as if she were an avatar of Shalassa. She sometimes dispatches them as honor guards to her ambassadors and favorites, but they are usually reserved for the most sacred Naga rituals. These include Naga trials by combat and the cleansing suicide known as the "Drowning Kiss". Receiving the kiss of a Mizu Kami is a way for a defeated Naga lord to return to Shalassa with honor intact.OffBck


Living Living
Can be healed and resurrected. Susceptible to morale.OffBck
Heroes VI Spirit Form Icon Spirit Form
Spirits benefit from +50% resistance to all damage at the start of each combat. lasts until an action was taken by the creature.OffBck
Amphibian Amphibian
Immunity to Movement reductions from the Water Magic School. Sanctuary Heroes can travel on the seas if all their army is amphibian.OffBck
Resistance to Water Resistance to Water
Nagas (and their allied water spirits) are % resistant to damage (Water).OffBck
Vulnerability to Air Vulnerability to Air
All damage (Air) is increased on the nagas (and their allied water spirits) by %.OffBck
Water Strike Water Strike
The Mizu-Kami's attacks inflict the "Soaked" effect on their targets.OffBck
Heroes VI Spirit Bond Icon Spirit Bond
Creates a "Spirit Link" between target friendly stack and the Mizu-Kami. Positive effects gained by one of the stacks will also affect the other. Target stack also benefits from Pain Mirror and Lifeguard Membrane. Cannot link to Spring Spirits, Mizu-Kamis and stacks already affected by "Spirit Link". Cooldown: 1 turn(s).OffBck
Liquid Body Lifeguard Membrane
“Pound the water out of him first… and then maybe he`ll listen.” This popular expression, common throughout Ashan, means that a cuff on the side of the head is sometimes the best way to get the attention of someone who is ignoring your side of an argument. Its origin comes from the various Water Spirits, whose liquid material shape greatly reduces all physical and magical damage directed toward them.
Increases resistance to damage by 15%.OffBck
Pain Mirror Pain Mirror
“Burn a tree and you burn part of yourself. Take a life and you take a part of your own. Kill a Spring Spirit and you kill a part of your soul.” The Elves of Irrolan hold Spring Spirits in great esteem. Though they recognize them as creatures of Shalassa, they symbolize one of the greatest teachings of Sylanna, the Dragon-goddess of Earth: harmony. Spring Spirits can link with their allies for beneficial purposes, but they can also link with their enemies to reflect the pain that is inflicted to them.
10% of the damage dealt to the Mizu-Kami is returned to its attackers. Only melee attacks are valid.OffBck



Heroes VI Sanctuary Faction Icon Sanctuary
Basic creatures
Shark guard · Coral priestess · Kappa · Spring spirit · Snow maiden · Kenshi · Kirin
Upgraded creatures
Wanizame · Pearl priestess · Kappa shoya · Mizu-kami · Yuki-onna · Kensei · Sacred kirin