Might and Magic Wiki
For other characters of the same name, see Miranda.

Lady Miranda is a character in the Price of Peace, the Academy campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.

She appears in the level An Unusual Betrayal as a hostile sixth-level Battle Mage with advanced combat, Order Magic, and enchantment, and basic wizardry.

Lady Miranda was one of the nobles under queen Emilia Nighthaven. When Lord Landrew, under the control of Gavin Magnus and his Crystal Pendulum, betrayed his queen by raising an army and planning to attack her, Lady Miranda and Lord Oliver decided to raise armies of their own and bring his head to Emilia - Miranda suggested that Landrew needed to be "strung up by his neck as an example to those who wish to threaten us in the future!"

As Emilia didn't want Landrew killed, she had Lord Oliver and Lady Miranda imprisoned. From her jail, Lady Miranda sent her queen a letter, asking how she could "imprison [her] loyal subjects while traitors like Lord Landrew run free".


Lady Miranda has the same icon and background as Calyphona.

Great Arcan
Personnel and benefactors
Bozilast · Companions of Emilia · Daeraphena · Eddwil· Emilia Nighthaven · Gavin Magnus · Tharj Orcsplitter · Holman · Koelox · Lady Miranda · Lord Bloth · Lord Oliver · Lord Landrew · Mazellian · Old King Dreggar · Reed · Sir Mardor · Solmyr ibn Wali Barad · The Sapper Brothers
Notable territories and cities
Asp Isle · Arcania · Brookside
Relevant terms
Armor of Order · Black Dragon Graveyard · Crystal Pendulum · Dragon golem · Dwarf · Gold golem · Mind Shield · Red dwarf · Sword of the Gods · The Rainbow Crystal
Relevant games
Heroes of Might and Magic IV