Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen is the fourth installment in the Might and Magic series.
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After having successfully assisted Corak in chasing away Sheltem from Terra and having boarded Terra's Ancient Seedship to keep chasing after the rival Guardians, the party of adventurers from Varn now reaches Xeen where Sheltem and Corak have landed and where a lich who calls himself Lord Xeen has claimed ownership of the light side of X.E.E.N. while Sheltem pulls the strings from the dark side as always.
Might and Magic IV uses a game engine based on that used by Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra, and the gameplay is almost identical. More emphasis is placed on cutscenes than in the earlier game, perhaps due to the availability of larger hard drives.
Might and Magic IV and V combine together to make "World of Xeen".
Might and Magic IV and V were some of the very first games to come out on CD. They are also the first games to come out where every character will 'speak' to you via sound that is recorded on the CDs (it plays the CD back at specific tracks, seeking to the proper min:second of the track).
- Main article: List of Might and Magic IV monsters